By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Bare Naked Islam
The 9.12 Project
Thanks to Judicial Watch, we now know that eight miles across the Texas border into Mexico, lies an ISIS camp. It’s merely a stone’s throw from El Paso. A second one is on the Mexican side of the border from New Mexico. If those two are confirmed, there are probably others. This intel comes from a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector – long time, trusted sources of Judicial Watch.
The area where the ISIS cell lies across from El Paso is known as “Anapra.” It is just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The other cell is to the west of Ciudad Juarez in Puerto Palomas. They are targeting New Mexico – specifically the towns of Columbus and Deming as entry points into the US with the aid of Mexican cartels.
But just coming to America is not the main course here. Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials also discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu supposedly in or near these camps, as well as documented “plans” of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during a joint operation last week.
Both law enforcement and intelligence sources are reporting that the area surrounding Anapra is controlled by the Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Cartel (“Juárez Cartel”), La Línea (the enforcement arm of the cartel) and the Barrio Azteca (a gang originally formed in the jails of El Paso). This makes this area extremely violent and dangerous for the Mexican Army and the Federales to operate in. The cartel love to torture and kill police and military personnel that they cannot turn into agents for the cartels.
Judicial Watch’s sources say that “coyotes,” who are into human smuggling/white slavery and are working for the Juarez Cartel, are also in league with ISIS. They help transport them through the desert and across the border between Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, New Mexico. To the east of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, cartel-backed “coyotes” are also smuggling ISIS terrorists through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas. Since no one is there watching the border, these areas are more easily accessible. This whole area is a haven for large scale drug smuggling operations through numerous routes as well.
It is now known that ISIS intends to target railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, NM (a US port-of-entry). ISIS also has “spotters” located in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico (largely managed by the Bureau of Land Management) to assist with terrorist border crossing operations. They are conducting reconnaissance of universities, the White Sands Missile Range, government facilities in Alamogordo, NM and Ft. Bliss, as well as the electrical power facilities near Anapra and Chaparral, NM. That ought to have Americans screaming, but no one seems to be noticing it much at all. That is apathetically suicidal. ISIS doesn’t tend to bluff and they have already told us they are coming.
Remember, this is the border that Obama refuses to secure. The border he has thrown open to welcome illegal immigrants. Those illegals coming over that border in the last year and a half, are primarily not Mexican. Many of them are other nationalities. It’s a welcome wagon for ISIS and other terrorists.
Ft. Bliss is aware of the ISIS threat that is near them and has them in their sights. The police and Feds also know, but none of them have the green light or the wherewithal to do anything about it. In fact, the Feds are denying this whole issue even as the evidence mounts that the terrorists are here and casing the joint. Terrorists have already been caught coming across the Mexican border into Texas over the last few months. For The Record documented the fact that a Russian operative came across, was caught and then released. It would appear we have no protection from our enemies whatsoever and sooner than later, there will be a major attack on America over that border courtesy of Barack Obama and his Administration.
In September of 2014, Francis Taylor, the undersecretary for intelligence and analysis at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), testified that there “have been Twitter and social media exchanges” involving ISIS adherents across the globe discussing the idea of infiltrating the United States through its southern border. So, this development comes as absolutely no surprise.
WND reported that it was about that time that Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA, confirmed in a TV interview that jihadists with the Middle Eastern group ISIS were caught coming into the US from Mexico. He got that directly from the Border Patrol.
“They were caught at the border … therefore, we know that ISIS is coming across the border,” he said. “If they catch five or 10 of them, we know there are dozens more that did not get caught.”
Of course, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson denied the reports at the time. And surprise, surprise, surprise… now the FBI is denying that ISIS is only eight miles from El Paso as well. Responding to Judicial Watche’s claims, the FBI called a “special” meeting at the US Consulate in Ciudad Juárez.
From Judicial Watch:
A high-level intelligence source, who must remain anonymous for safety reasons, confirmed that the meeting was convened specifically to address a press strategy to deny Judicial Watch’s accurate reporting and identify who is providing information to JW. FBI supervisory personnel met with Mexican Army officers and Mexican Federal Police officials, according to JW’s intelligence source. The FBI liaison officers regularly assigned to Mexico were not present at the meeting and conspicuously absent were representatives from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It’s not clear why DHS did not participate.
Last August JW reported that ISIS, operating from Ciudad Juárez, was planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level U.S. federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources confirmed then that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border had been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies were placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning the imminent terrorist threat.
Just last week, ISIS released a video promising “We Will Burn America.” It calls for another 9/11 in America and for ISIS fighters to slaughter Americans across the globe. Don’t you think that it would be prudent to listen when someone with a proven murderous track record threatens to annihilate millions of Americans? Hmm?

The Clarion Project
The film was distributed with a twitter campaign using #WeWillBurnUSAgain and #We_Will_Burn_America, alongside pictures showing the imagined destruction.

The Clarion Project
Erick Stakelbeck points out there are three ways ISIS can attack and kill us here at home:
“City Wolves”
In February of this year, FBI Director James Comey made a stunning statement about ISIS supporters in the United States: “Those people exist in every state,” Comey said. “I have homegrown violent extremist investigations in every single state. Until a few weeks ago there was 49 states. Alaska had none which I couldn’t quite figure out.” He added, “But Alaska has now joined the group so we have investigations of people in various stages of radicalizing in all 50 states.”
So, now we know that there is a network of ISIS supporters and sympathizers in every state of the union. The enemy has infiltrated all 50 states and they are biding their time. ISIS is nothing if not patient.
ISIS calls these homegrown jihadists “city wolves” and is actively encouraging them to carry out one-man (or one-woman) jihads in US cities wherever they can and whenever they get the opportunity. You’ve already begun to see some instances of attacks across the nation. For instance, a Columbus, OH man whom the Department of Justice says trained with ISIS in Syria and was planning a terror attack here has been arrested in the US. It will get much worse, I have no doubt. As Stakelbeck put it, if ISIS supporters begin to carry out smaller scale, horrific attacks like this on a regular basis in American cities, creating a virtual guerrilla war-type climate, the US economy and psyche could be affected in profound ways. Not to mention it would give Obama a perfect excuse to declare martial law or solidify his national police force or both.
The Returnees
Department of Homeland Security Chief Jeh Johnson recently admitted that at least 40 of the estimated 180 US citizens who have traveled overseas to fight alongside ISIS have already returned home. “We have in fact kept close tabs on those who we believe have left and those who’ve come back,” Johnson told 60 Minutes. “A number have been arrested or investigated and we have systems in place to track these individuals. But you can’t know everything.”
Really? Because I thought it was your job to know everything. At least when it comes to terrorists. That’s Johnson telling Americans it’s only a matter of time till we get hit – that the terrorists are slipping through the cracks and there’s nothing we can do about it. Meanwhile, close to 5,000 Europeans have left to join ISIS. Western Europeans can enter the United States without a visa. These people don’t have a flipping clue how many are coming or are already here. That’s frightening.
The Border
This brings us full circle back to Judicial Watch’s warning and the border. Think about ISIS getting chemical or biological weapons across our border. Think the unthinkable – what if they brought nuclear weapons across. It wouldn’t be hard with no one guarding the hen house, now would it? Consider those weapons nestled away across America and ISIS simultaneously attacking a number of our larger cities all at once. It would be a killing field and our worst nightmare.
9/11 happened almost 14 years ago and yet our borders are so ridiculously unsecured that there might as well be neon signs flashing that say “Jihadists Welcome” upon entrance into the US from Mexico and Canada. Yet, our leaders claim they have never been more secure. A nation-state cannot sustain itself long term – or protect its citizens – if it refuses to secure its borders. If your borders are not protected, you have no sovereignty and won’t stand as a nation for long.
ISIS in Mexico, means ISIS is here in the United States. It’s a no-brainer. Yet we aren’t going after the cartels, smoking out the spotters, chasing down known terrorists or doing anything that even remotely looks like protecting the US from ISIS launching a terrorist attack. The enemy is already through our gates and setting up house here in the US. The Islamic State is getting ready for a killer performance. Where do we go from here indeed… we don’t even realize we are at war in our own country.
F A C E B O O K ..are these people..wont let you share any story about BLACKS, DRUG CARTEL, OR ISIS..Muslim DEMOCRATS..
Hey some nucler stuff they robbed in Mexico twice this year..wonder where it is..