Actually, these comrades in Soviet army hats are not really members of the People’s Cube, nor have they ever been. Instead, this is the most acute case of “life imitating the People’s Cube” we’ve seen so far, especially that it happened almost simultaneously with our very own scheduled Show Trial and Raffle.
A few days ago, on January 5th, in St. Louis, Mo, a group of comrades wearing Russian fur hats with Red Army insignia (complete with red stars and hammer’n’sickles) held a People’s Grand Jury, with live broadcast, in which they unanimously denounced the State Prosecutor for being the imperialist running pig-dog, and, after one hour of selective and one-sided debate found the kriminal kop Darren Wilson guilty on all trumped-up charges.
“Black People’s Grand Jury” indicts Officer Darren Wilson
Obviously, members of the mock show trial are now in need of mock NKVD officers to escort the convicted enemy of the people to the mock Siberian gulag – or, better yet, stage a mock firing squad.
All is well behind the Irony Curtain, comrades!