By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Our children are our world as parents. They are the future of our nation. Most of us would gladly sacrifice all we have and our lives for our little ones. So, why do we so readily hand their learning and their care over to those that would abuse them and trick them into being part of the greatest evil the world has ever known? It figures that the young, innocent ones would be a prime target for Islam and are what they term, ‘fertile ground’ for their broken philosophy. Between such programs as Common Core, Connect All Schools and CSCOPE, CAIR has been ensuring that the textbooks that teach our children go out of their way to teach Islamic history and to have the children indoctrinated into Islam. CAIR has even gotten textbooks in private schools, charter schools and home schooling programs to include their revisionist history.
The Islamization of the curriculum and the school room itself in American schools is thoroughly covered by Pamela Geller at Atlas shrugs in her book: Stop the Islamization of America. Do buy and read the book and then home school your children after reviewing their ordered teaching materials. You should not be surprised either that Qatar is heavily vested in all this – they fund Connect All Schools and Common Core. On October 24th and 25th, hundreds of schools, leadership teams, and teachers from across the region gathered in Dubai, to learn about the Common Core State Standards, share curricula and best practices, and network with each other. Ask yourselves, why Dubai? Surely, Bill Gates and Jeb Bush know, since they are helping to fund it as well. They are very cozy with the Islamic states – all that money and power – motivation for selling out our children and country many times over.
Across America, in over 100 schools now, in Social Studies and World History classes, the proselytizing for Islam is being pushed and hard. It does not include the 1,400 year history of Jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural genocide and enslavement, not to mention the extermination of the entire Jewish Banu Qurayza tribe of Arabia, as Pamela Geller puts it. What it does include, and what I find infuriating beyond words, is the Shahada and the Five Pillars of Islam. The Shahada is an Islamic creed declaring belief in the oneness of God and the acceptance of Muhammad as God’s prophet. It is recited to convert someone to Islam. That’s right… they are actively converting your children to their religion. Now, how do you feel about it? Then the little ones are forced to learn the Five Pillars of Islam.
Here is an example from a textbook (by the way, this has been going on for some time now in the public school system):
Jesus was mentioned once as a Jewish prophet in the first chapter and the second chapter briefly discussed the division within the Christian Church. Chapter three is dedicated completely to Islam and the story of Muhammad, with multiple quotes from the Qur’an throughout the chapter. The book even goes on to say that “. . .Muhammad revealed the purest version of God’s truth” and that Muhammad is the final prophet of God’s truth with the most complete version of that truth.
So much for separation of church and state. Evidently that only applies to other religions, not Islam. Can you imagine how confused the children must be? And those that come from Christian and Jewish homes surely know deep down this is wrong and abhorrent to their faith. The children are having to write and say the Muslim declaration of faith (the Shahada), over and over.
When Muslims force Christians to convert, they are forced to say the Shahada. The Arabic writing on the black flag of Jihad (also known as the al Qaeda flag or ISIS flag) is the Shahada. This is the mantra of supremacism and imperialism that is being forced on American school kids and their families. Children are more susceptible to conversion than adults and if pressed on it are likely to cave to make the teacher happy. After repeated exposure to the ideology, they start to get their thoughts turned around. Soon, they are indoctrinated and sucked into the philosophy, despite the teachings of their church and their parents. Face it… teachers spend a lot of time with your children. By the time a parent knows what is going on, it is too late. And by the time they are in high school, they have aligned with radicals and radical precepts throughout the religion.
A number of parents across America are beginning to wake up to the brainwashing in the schools being foisted on their children. A number of them are saying enough is enough.
Let’s start with the Marine veteran who complained about the pro-Islam bias in his daughter’s schoolwork in Maryland. He was banned from her school for objecting to said bias. It’s his child and his right – we are not the Middle East… not yet, any way.
From the Daily Caller:
A Maryland father who asked that his daughter be excused from learning about Islam in her world history class now finds himself under a no-trespass order that prevents him from setting foot on the girl’s public school campus.
The events leading to the no-trespass order occurred at La Plata High School in La Plata, Md., a small town about 30 miles southeast of Washington, D.C., SoMDNews reports, a website for three local newspapers.
The dad is Kevin Wood, a former corporal and eight-year veteran in the U.S. Marine Corps.
Wood was initially upset because he did not want his daughter, a high school junior, to participate in instruction about Islam.
He called the school district office last week, first speaking to an administrative assistant and eventually speaking to La Plata High vice principal Shannon Morris.
A school district spokeswoman, Katie O’Malley-Simpson, said Wood threatened to cause problems at the school during his conversation with Morris. O’Malley-Simpson provided no specific information about any threats the former Marine made.
“Safety comes first,” she told SoMDNews. “We don’t allow disruptions at the schools, especially if we’re forewarned of them.”
Wood denies making any threats. His version of the conversation is that he explained in no uncertain terms that he does “not believe in” Islam and wants his daughter removed from class while other students study the Muslim religion.
This Marine fought and bled for his country. He has the right to request his child not be subjected to Islamic indoctrination. I believe him when he says he made no threats. He was treated like this because he was military and because he would not comply. I suggest he remove his child from this school and find another educational venue, post haste.

The Marine is not the first, by a long shot, either. In Volusia County, Florida, hundreds protested Islamic lessons in their “World History” text, a Common Core-approved high school history textbook. It would have been thousands if all parents knew and grasped exactly what was being taught to their children in the name of Allah.
In Massachusetts, another public school got caught teaching the Shahada to students. Their textbook also celebrates Muhammad’s life. You can bet it doesn’t celebrate Jesus’ life, because you know… that would be bad.
From Yahoo! News:
Millions of students in public schools don’t understand fractions or pronouns at even a basic level but students in the oceanfront Boston suburb of Revere, Mass. are taking the time to learn all about Islam — in the most embarrassingly shallow and cheerleading way imaginable.
Part of the textbook prints the Muslim Call to Prayer, according to Boston NBC affiliate WHDH.
“I bear witness that there is no God but Allah,” it says.
The textbook portion also reverently celebrates Muhammad’s life.
“Muhammad never expected to change world,” the admiring, rah-rah textbook reads.
“Muhammad later tended sheep on the dry hills like many young Arabians,” the text explains. “Later he became a successful merchant and married a wealthy widow. However, he felt as though something was missing in his life, so he went on a retreat.”
The founder of Islam was “upset about the cruelty of his people,” the text also optimistically explains. They “killed baby girls.” They “treated their slaves unkindly.” And “Muhammad had a strong sense of right and wrong.”
One local parent, Anthony Giannino, is upset about the textbook’s treatment of the Muslim religion.
“No religion should be taught in school,” Giannino told WHDH. “It says Allah is their only God. That’s insulting to me as a Christian who believes in just Jesus only.”
“We don’t believe in Allah. I don’t believe in my son learning about this here,” Giannino added. “If my son was from another country and came here, he would have been catered to.”
The mad dad said he pulled his son out of his elementary school when he found out about the textbook’s treatment of Islam.
Other parents say they don’t see what the problem is.
“What is Muslim about? What is Christianity about? That’s what I teach at home,” parent Idalia Garcia told the Fox station. “Everybody should respect everybody else’s religion.”
The school district superintendent has since penned a letter to parents assuring them that the congratulatory statements about Islam are merely part of the district’s history curriculum.
It goes on… in California, parents are also pulling their son from a classroom at Manhattan Beach Middle School for teaching the tenets Islam:
The father said, “The audacity of this school, to think that they can sit these children down and teach ’em whatever religion they please; it’s preposterous. This is illegal, basically. You can’t teach religion in schools any more, but apparently, in this particular school, at least, that’s not the case.”
Parents said they discovered that what their children were learning about Islam was more about the tenets of the faith than the history of the religion, according to KTLA. One question asked the students to write down teachings from the Koran.
The father continued, “What I saw written in these bubbles was, ‘The one true God, Allah’ in one of the bubbles. In one of the other bubbles was ‘All people must submit to Allah,’ in another bubble. The I turned the page over and I see the five pillars of Islam.”
The parents assert that the students should be taught the history behind the religions, whether it is Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or others, but not the tenets of the faith.
Father: “Can you imagine the outcry all over this country if children were bringing home paperwork that asked them to write down John 3:16, or asked them to write down the 10 Commandments?”
Mother: “And if it ended with the Declaration of the Faith, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior? That’s what the equivalent, I mean, part of us, for our son? We’d be happy about that.”
Father: “But some parents may not be.”
The parents talked to the principal, but the school refused to change the schoolwork, prompting the parents to remove their son from the class. The school would not respond to questions from KTLA.
In Tennessee, the abhorrent Nation of Islam has even gotten into the schools. At least two reports have come in that third graders have received Nation of Islam propaganda:
A second parent has now come forward acknowledging their child received a Nation of Islam “handout” in a third grade class at Harold McCormick Elementary School in Elizabethton, Tennessee – contradicting claims by the school district that the document was not distributed in the classroom.
I first told you about this story on Monday. Parent Sommer Bauer told me her son’s teacher gave him a document that portrayed the presidents on Mount Rushmore as being racists.
We still don’t know how that Nation of Islam information found its way into that third grade classroom.
School superintendent E.C. Alexander refuted allegations that the Nation of Islam document had been distributed in class. He told me the document was never meant for public distribution and that the child took the sheet of paper from the teacher’s work station without her permission.
“The student (without permission) took the sheet from a “ton” of discarded teacher’s material on that table; then, the student took it home and gave it to the parent,” Alexander wrote in an email to educators after my column was published.
Supt. Alexander also posted a statement on the school district’s website. He hurled all sorts of allegations my way – words like “misleading” and “totally incorrect” and “sensational.”
Yet, he never got around to telling us what was misleading or totally incorrect or sensational. And we still don’t know how that Nation of Islam information found its way into that third grade classroom.
So what happened inside that third grade classroom at Harold McCormick Elementary School?
According to the parent, the children were separated into four groups. Each group was given two “sheets of paper.”
“The teacher held up each one and said, ‘These do not go home. These are just to use here,” the parent told me.
The Nation of Islam “sheet ” explained that George Washington hailed from Virginia, a “prime breeder of black people.” Of Theodore Roosevelt, it was alleged he called Africans “ape-like.” There were also disparaging comments made about Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.
The parent told me that the teacher did not teach students from the Nation of Islam “sheet.” But she did hand it to the students.
This is the active Mosqueing of our schools – turning them into Madrassas. Even in Massachusetts, the home of the Boston Marathon bombing, you see a Muslim promoted to Captain in the Boston Police force and the Shahada being recited in their schools. The Saudis have bought entire public school textbook publishers — it would seem, even our children’s future is for sale. Todd Starnes of Fox News says there are over 80 textbooks across the nation teaching and promoting this bias.
Islam has slaughtered, tortured, raped and enslaved millions. As recently as the 1990s, I had never seen a hijab or a burka. I had never seen a mosque. Now they are everywhere and our schools have been infested with a violent ideology that covets the souls of our children. Allah has no place in our classrooms and these forced and subversive conversions of children are evil and despicable. Get your children out of public schooling whatever it takes. Even if you have them in private school, charter schools or home schooling, you better take the time to review their textbooks and talk to your children. Their lives and the future of the nation depends on it.
Federal Public Law 97-280 recognized the BIBLE (not the koran) as the rock upon which this Republic was built.
The Christian Biblical principles upon which our government was built is that our life and liberty is the “property” of our Creator, who bestows them on us to be our “possession”, with an attached responsibility on our part to protect and defend them while they are in our custody.
These premises gave rise to the Battle Cry of the American Revolution: “Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God”.
I learned all I need to know about the koran and muslims on 9-11.