“The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” is like no other book written on American politics. The book exposes, in layman’s terms, the comprehensive communist, socialist and extreme progressive infiltration of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.
The book profiles fourteen Senators and more than fifty Representatives and their ties to Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Workers World Party, and The Institute for Policy Studies, Council for a Livable World and other radical anti-American organizations. Trevor has done the hard work to connect the dots of why the US Congress has moved further and further left over our lifetime and you won’t want to miss him. The Mid-Terms are coming. It’s time to clean House — and Senate! Get yourself prepared with the facts.
Mon., Aug. 11th, 2014
Event: Jeff Anderson – Watertwon SD – 8:30 am Central – KSDR AM 1040 — Radio/Confirmed
Web Site: http://www.gowatertown.net/
Time: 6:30 am PST
Place: SD
Event: Cottage Grove 912 — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Web Site: http://cottagegrove912project.org/
Time: 9:30 am PST
Place: Stacy’s Covered Bridge Restaurant
401 E. Main
Cottage Grove, OR
Tue., Aug. 12th, 2014
Event: Mike Fagan – Spokane WA – The Right Spokane Perspective — Radio/Confirmed
Time: 9:30 am PST
Place: WA
Event: Sutherlin Tea Party — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Web Site: http://teaparty.sutherlin-oregon.com/
Time: 6:30 pm PST
Place: Sutherlin Community Center
150 S. Willamette Street
Sutherlin, OR 97479
Wed., Aug. 13th, 2014
Event: Lane 912 — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Web Site: http://www.912lane.org
Time: 6:00 pm PST
Place: Izzy’s Pizza & Buffet
950 Seneca Road
Eugene, OR 97402
Thur., Aug. 14th, 2014
Event: Glen Pav – 9:05 Am Eastern — Radio/Confirmed
Web Site: http://www.RightingTheRight.com
Time: 6:05 am PST
Place: FL
Event: RUBICON — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Time: 12 pm PST
Place: Kowloon Restaurant
2222 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Event: The Capitol City Republican Women’s Annual Picnic — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Web Site: http://www.orgsites.com/or/ccrw/
Time: 5 pm PST
Place: Diana Evans
1910 Madrona Ave. S
Salem, OR 97302
Fri., Aug. 15th, 2014
Event: Oregon 912 Project — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Web Site: http://www.oregon912project.org
Time: 6 pm PST
Place: West End Building
4101 Kruse Way
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Sat., Aug. 16th, 2014
Event: Steve Kates – A Call To Rights FNX 1100 AM — Radio/Confirmed
Web Site: http://www.calltorights.com
Time: 1 pm PST
Place: AZ
Event: AFP Coos Bay — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Time: 2 pm PST
Place: Red Lion Hotel
1313 Bayshore Drive
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Mon., Aug. 18th, 2014
Event: Tri-Cities Tea Party — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Web Site: http://www.tricitiesteaparty.com/
Time: TBD
Place: Kennewick, WA
Tue., Aug 19th, 2014
Event: Rep. Matt Shea – Battlefront – American Christian Network Radio/Confirmed
Time: 8:30 am PST
Place: WA
Event: Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Web Site: http://w2tpp.com/
Time: 6:30 pm PST
Place: Walla Walla Regional Airport
310 A Street
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Wed., Aug. 20th, 2014
Event: Spokane Tea Party Patriots — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Web Site: http://www.spokaneteapartypatriots.com/
Time: 6 pm PST
Place: Darcy’s Restaurant
10502 E Sprague Ave
Spokane, WA 99206
Sat., Aug. 23rd, 2014
Event: 26th LD Republican Club — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Time: 8:30 am PST
Place: The Cottesmore
2909 14th Ave NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
If your TEA Party, 9.12, or patriotic group would like to invite Trevor Loudon to speak, please contact Regina Thompson.
See more of Trevor Loudon’s schedule here…