By: Cliff Kincaid
Accuracy in Media

The media are full of stories about “two allies,” the U.S. and Germany, in a controversy over alleged “U.S. espionage” against Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government. All of the fingers are pointing at the NSA, and now the CIA, whose station chief in Berlin has reportedly been told to leave.
The Washington Post reported, “In ordering the CIA station chief to leave, Germany resorted to a form of retaliation that is occasionally employed by espionage adversaries such as the United States and Russia, but rarely by such a close ally.”
But where is the evidence that Germany under Merkel is such a close ally?
The paper fails to cite the evidence that Merkel is regarded with suspicion because she came out of East Germany, when it was a Communist state, and hid a very important aspect of her early life—as a propagandist for a communist youth group.
Breitbart picked up the controversy in a story headlined, “Questions raised Over Merkel’s Communist Past.”
Even without this damaging information, one has reason to be suspicious about Merkel.
If you continue reading the Post and take a look at the paper’s editorial on Ukraine, you might get a different impression of our “ally.”
It starts out by saying that “Ukraine’s new leader is making progress in regaining control over eastern areas of the country that were seized by Russian-backed insurgents, but he’s getting no help from the United States or the European Union.” The European Union (EU) primarily means Germany and France.
It says Russia’s Vladimir Putin “can only be encouraged by the fecklessness of the European Union and the United States,” another clear reference to Germany and France, as well as the Obama administration. It goes on to complain that “German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande are leaning on [the Ukrainian President] Mr. Poroshenko to stop trying to regain control over his country” from Russian forces.
In other words, they are working on Putin’s behalf.
So if Merkel is working on behalf of Putin, why shouldn’t the German government be under surveillance? And perhaps France as well?
Referring to “crippling unilateral sanctions on Russia” that can be imposed by the West, the Post editorial says, “If the Ukrainian government can act [against Russian forces] without the permission of France and Germany, so can the United States.” But it’s doubtful that Obama will do anything significant to thwart Putin’s war drive.
Earlier in the editorial, the Post says that “Germany and France have been pressing for a cease-fire and peace talks [in Ukraine] that would include the rebels, Russia and Ukraine but not Western governments.”
In other words, they want to settle the conflict on terms agreeable to Russia.
Hollande is a socialist and his political party is a member of the Socialist International. By contrast, Merkel represents the supposedly “conservative” Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.
M.E. Synon, the Europe correspondent for Breitbart London, writes, “Some Americans are now asking: was there a good reason the US needed to keep an eye on Merkel’s private conversations?” Yes, indeed.
In our column, “The NSA, Glenn Greenwald, and Angela Merkel,” we noted that, “Merkel, who grew up in the formerly communist East Germany and spent 35 years of her life under the dictatorship, is the subject of a book by Günther Lachmann and Ralf Georg Reuth titled, The First Life of Angela M., which suggests that she had deeper ties to the communist regime than previously known or acknowledged.”
The strange thing is that the Post and other “mainstream media” will not breathe a word about the book, The First Life of Angela M.
However, the Post “news” article about the controversy between the U.S. and Germany goes on to report, “Hans-Christian Ströbele, an official in Germany’s Green Party and member of the parliamentary inquiry, described the CIA expulsion as ‘a necessary symbolic act to show our friends on the other side of the Atlantic how serious this matter is.’”
Friends? Who is this Ströbele?
Our column, “Edward Snowden’s Communist and Terrorist Friends,” notes that he is a prominent German lawyer who represented the communist terrorist group, the Baader-Meinhof Gang—also known as the Red Army Faction (RAF).”
The RAF was supported by East Germany and the Soviet Union.
These facts are reminiscent of an old English Proverb: With friends like these, who needs enemies?
So what we need from the media, at least from their news departments, is a definition of the term “ally.”
Instead what we are getting is media pressure on the U.S. to accommodate Germany’s concerns and “heal the rift.”