Most Americans think that any trouble in the Middle East comes from Islamic radicals.
In reality, much of it comes from the old pro-Moscow communist parties which are still very strong and growing in influence in the region. The communists work with and often control local radical Islamic factions on behalf of their Russian allies.
The Communist Party of Turkey is up to its eyeballs in the current mass rioting in Turkey.
The following is a statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), issued June 4th.
From Liberation:
For days now Turkey has been witnessing a genuine popular movement. The actions and protests, which started in Istanbul and have spread all over Turkey, have a massive, legitimate and historic character. The most important of all is the striking change in the mood of people. The fear and apathy has been overcome and people have gained self-confidence.
The Communist Party of Turkey has been part of the popular movement beginning from the first day and has mobilized all its forces, tried to strengthen the proletarian and revolutionary character of the movement, endeavored to encourage a mature attitude of discipline, and organized numerous actions and demonstrations. In this process, the police forces carried out a heavy assault on our party headquarters in Ankara. All over Turkey, several party members have been injured and arrested. There have been some attempts of abduction of our party cadres. But the attempts of provocations against our party were defeated.
The call of the masses for the government to resign is an absolute demand of this movement. Although it is obvious that a leftist alternative cannot be built “right now,” this demand should be expressed loudly…
The TKP is ready for a period of stubborn but intense struggle.
Interesting that trouble breaks out in Turkey, just when Turkey has been helping U.S. efforts to topple the pro-Russian Assad regime in Syria.
Nothing new under the Sun since they already seen the chance given to them to topple Turkey President too friendly to America.