Day: July 6, 2012
‘You Can Call it Communism, Progressivism, Socialism, Marxism, or Statism’: Rep. West Defends His ‘80 Communists in the House’ Claim
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Watch the latest video at Read more at The Blaze…
The Council Has Spoken! This Week’s Watcher’s Council Results – 07/06/12
The Watcher’s Council Me too, lil’ weasel. Me too! Because there was certainly a lot of information, entertainment and stimulation in this week’s entries… but…
Gerald Celente – The BANKS are TAKING OVER the WORLD! (Europe, Iran, WW3, U.S.)
While I strongly disagree with Gerald Celente’s advice to boycott the 2012 election and his assessment of US military strength, he speaks a lot of…
Google Backs ‘Net Liberty
Cool new video from Google in support of Internet freedom.
Surprise, Surprise – Russia Moves on Egypt
While the US Government insanely supports the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Russia is poised to increase its influence within the most strategically located country in…
Russia Ramps Up Arms Development
While Russian military preparedness and arms technology is almost certainly much better than the Kremlin lets on, this is still significant. From Russia Today: A…
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