By: Dave Logan

Day one of TPX Wisconsin begins with a noon rally in Hudson and then on to La Crosse at 5:30 PM. Tour embed Andrea Shea King will report in as events unfold. I will update this post with her reports, or you can check her site at The Radio Patriot. Terresa Monroe-Hamilton’s NoisyRoom Blog will provide cross-posting of the TPX tour as well.
Yesterday was a travel day for the TPX crew – hectic, of course – but after everyone was safely situated on the ground in Wisconsin, a nice dinner was had by all. Reports from the dinner table indicate Italian faire, served home style with lots of conversation revolving around national politics as well as the immediate situation in Wisconsin. I can tell you this: there’s lots of work to been done by TPX in Wisconsin. The left’s union organizers are well funded and organized, working door to door to get the vote out for the recall next Tuesday.
When Amy Kremer arrived to dinner, talk of her interview with Greta began. It was a good segment for Amy and TPX, even though Greta attempted to throw Amy off her game with a final surprise question. Amy handled it just fine and stood solid with her answer.
By all accounts it was a great dinner, but it wasn’t all play. Preparation for the upcoming rallies had to be discussed, speech themes had to be nailed down and organized as well. Andrea knows the message she wants to communicate to Wisconsin voters and as in past TPX tours, she will deliver with flying colors. She’s not afraid of public speaking – in fact, the bigger the crowd, the better. All the TPX tour members have in common the ability to go before large crowds and get their points across in a very limited amount of time. It’s a rare and valuable talent.
Ok, that’s about it for now. When things begin to happen in Hudson and La Crosse, I will update this post, so check back throughout the day.

UPDATE from Hudson’s rally:
TPX just arrived and the rally has just gotten underway. Protesters are there with signs with the goal of disrupting the rally. Looking for good TV coverage. Below are a couple pics just sent by tour embed Andrea Shea King.

More from the Hudson rally via TPX press release:
CONTACT: Levi Russell at Levi@FrontlineStrat.com, or (509) 979-6615
Large crowd of conservatives rally to defend Sen. Harsdorf in Hudson
HUDSON, WI – The Tea Party Express kicked off their Wisconsin tour today with a large crowd of enthusiastic supporters who were treated to conservative singers, speakers and entertainers who defended Sen. Harsdorf and advocated for fiscal responsibility.
Although a sizable group of protesters chanted insults and attempted to disrupt the event, they were quickly drowned out by the music of the Rivoli Revue, who kicked off the energetic rally with the Star Spangled Banner.
The “Restoring Common Sense” pre-election tour continues across the state to visit a total of nine cities. A large coalition has come together to support this effort, with national groups including Tea Party Nation, FreedomWorks, 60 Plus, Patriot Action Network, Grassfire Nation, American Grassroots Coalition and the Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama contributing to the effort. The full tour schedule is posted at www.TeaPartyExpress.org.
For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Levi Russell at 509-979-6615 or Levi@FrontlineStrat.com
You losers got outnumbered at your own rally!
Some people never grow up! Sounds to me that the all American gangs were there, with just a few losers, lost in another world. They must have been looking for a happy meal and took the wrong detour. If you dont like tea, then stay away, and keep your ignorant commenys to your selves. Or do it on the playground. If its to hot for you, you losers can meet at Chuckie cheese and try hollering down the other infantile children. Remember, dont smoke. You’ll need your oxygen for hollering. Seems like that’s all you know how to do.
God bless America! Bless the Tea Party with success.
Love it!!!
Terrorist with Tea! I like it.
The few that are coming to protest the protestors….God Bless them…hopefully a true Patriot can straighten those confused people out..unless they are paid union workers of course.