Dr. Terry Lovell interviews Charly Gullett, author of a new book “Beirut Arizona” on the radical Islamic connection to the “Fast & Furious” gun-running scandal.
The Enemies Within
Dr. Terry Lovell interviews Charly Gullett, author of a new book “Beirut Arizona” on the radical Islamic connection to the “Fast & Furious” gun-running scandal.
Copyright © 2025 Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog
Dis-info on the comment board hitting this one heavy and hard.
Give me the finding, instead of advertising for someones book. Too many books are written by too many people out for a buck. This article tells me nothing, other than buy the book.
I expected better from this blog.
Charly Gullett needs to lay off the peyote. Zombies are made from that.
If this guy knows one actual, directly-sourced fact about the Gunwalker Scandal, I’ll eat my boonie hat. Nice disinformational pimp job off a dead Border Patrol agent.
Mike Vanderboegh
I think you hit the nail squarely on the head.
Chris Woodard
I agree Obama is a front man for both the Muslim Brotherhood and Weather Underground. Those in the Federal Government and the Military are just going along with the enemy. They seem clueless that this will affect their children and grandchildren. I want to see whoever gets into the Federal Government next looks at every computer hard drive in and out of Washington, DC. That includes the entire Pentagon. Who do you think murdered the Navy Seals? Obama and his people set them up. I’m not stupid. He’s a cold blooded psychopath.
With every bit of new information received –the more convinced I am hat in hand that #1 those who expanded the existing program into Fast and Furious will NEVER face criminal prosecution in the US. #2 with the State Dept. and DOJ working for our enemy and the Muslim Fraud in the Executive what does that say about our Govt?I will be ordering this book- but it may take a while.
Indeed, many of us are expecting the first attacks to turn AZ into flames; and the administration will crack down all the harder on us for daring to stand against them and their insane agendas.