Hat Tip: Brian B.
I love, love this man and would vote for him in a heartbeat!
Allen West:
The President’s concern is about getting reelected. The President’s concern is that he is an intransigent, liberal, progressive socialist who is also Marxist because of the class warfare rhetoric that he espouses. And I think that when you heard him on Friday and the more he comes out and talks, the more truly out of touch and incompetent he seems.
Talk is Cheap, Mr. West. Do Something About It.
You Have All the Proof You Need to Impeach and Arrest Obama Here: http://www.commieblaster.com/ineligible/
and Here: http://www.commieblaster.com/news/
…Failure to Act, Means You’re Part of the Conspiracy.
This is the man we need to be President. I’d much rather follow a RANGER then what we have in either party. Time to stand up for Our Country and do what’s right for America.
Duty, Honor, Country
In a debate Mr. West would blow the socks off the bamster.
Allen West, head for the White House – we need you badly, especially as it looks like the Republicans ‘gang of six’ are about to sell us up the river shortly.
What a great guy, YES I would vote for him in a minute. GO ALLEN WEST!