The Communist Party USA is organizing a “1st Annual CPUSA National Conference” to be held at the Party’s Unity Center in New York, April 16-17.
According to Communist Party National Chair Sam Webb;
“We need a bigger, bolder Communist Party if we are to meet the challenges of the day…With the all out attacks on workers rights’ in Wisconsin and states across our nation, it is imperative that we build the Communist Party as we help build the grassroots movement for jobs and democracy…”
According to Missouri Party leader Tony Pecinovsky
As tens of thousands continue to take to the streets nationwide to stop the ultra-right Republican assault on workers’ rights, democracy, public education, health care and vital social services, the Communist Party is in the mix, say its members.
In fact, Communist Party members are working in coalition with other progressive groups in helping lead many of the local fight back efforts.
The planned conference is designed bring communists and left and “progressive” activists together from all over the country to discuss, plan and act.
The Party has also learned a thing or two from revolutions in Egypt and Libya and plans to step up its use of social media.
Central to the deliberations will be panel discussions highlighting many of the opportunities and challenges of building the Communist current in the working class and people’s movement. Use of the working-class tools like and and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are also on the agenda…
Conference participants will hear from activists “in the trenches” and discuss fight back strategies. Participants will share experiences, map out plans, “deepen Marxist methodology and “get fired up” for the big challenges ahead.” Everyone will leave the conference assigned with an “action item” to take back to their local communities.
Webb said;
“The Communist Party and Young Communist League are growing. Readership of the People’s World and Political Affairs are increasing dramatically. However, we need to deepen and expand our influence, grow our membership and help build the people’s movement. In short, we need to do more to meet the urgent challenges. That is why this conference is so important.”
Contrary to popular belief, communism never died. The recent chaos in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and lesser actions in several other states are proof of that.
If the Communist party USA has its way, recent actions are just the beginning.