I have been invited to present a paper on some of the radical elements of the Obama “movement” in the US in mid March-I will post details of this event soon.
The organisors are generously covering basic travel costs, but I would like to use the opportunity to do some research in several US cities.
Therefore I am appealing to those who value the information I have released so far on Obama’s radical ties, to help me with some financial support.
I have a well thought out research agenda-there are many more skeletons in the Obama closet yet to see the light of day.
Please help me carry out this vital research.
If you want more truth to be told, please support me with a donation. Use the PayPal button to the right or email me at trevor.newzeal@gmail.com
Thanking you in anticipation.
Trevor Loudon
劈腿 劈腿測驗劈腿剖析劈腿調查 劈腿大剖析 外遇捉姦 徵信社 通姦 通姦罪 抓猴 捉猴 外遇 外遇剖析 外遇調查 外遇案例 外遇諮詢 偷情 第三者外遇話題 外遇發洩 感情挽回 徵信社 外遇心態 外遇 通姦 通姦罪 徵信徵信社偵探外遇 外遇 抓姦徵信協會徵信公司 外遇 徵信 包二奶 跟蹤 監控 夫妻 徵信社 徵信 徵信社 大愛徵信 離婚 抓姦 離婚 抓姦 婚姻 婚前徵信 前科 查址 個人資料 外遇 第三者 徵信社 偵探社 抓姦 外遇 離婚 通姦 偵探社
Do let us know how you get on
Thankyou-I am humbled.