From Kiwiblog
The FSC put out this press release this afternoon:
The Free Speech Coalition, set up to campaign against the Electoral Finance Bill, is sad that MPs from Labour, NZ First, and the Greens have ignored the massive public sentiment against the bill.
The Act discourages individuals and groups from participating in the electoral process and spending their own money, while at the same time allows MPs and parliamentary parties to far more easily use taxpayer funds on their election campaigns and not even have it count towards their spending limits. It is the ultimate act in hypocrisy.
The MPs have
• Ignored the Law Society’s advice that the Bill should be scrapped
• Ignored the Human Rights Commission opposition to the regulated period, and their request to allow the public to submit on the amended Bill
• Ignored the NZ Institute of Charted Accountant’s advice that the Bill is unworkable
• Ignored the Electoral Commission’s advice on spending limits
• Failed to provide legislative certainty around the exemptions for MPs
• Protected anonymous donations with massive loopholes which may result in less, not more, disclosure
• Continually misrepresented key clauses of the Bill
“New Zealand has no written constitution. At the end of the day 61 MPs in Parliament can pass any law they like, no matter how repugnant. Previously constitutional conventions have protected Acts like the Electoral Act, but the passage of the Electoral Finance Bill sees the demise of that convention.” said spokesperson David Farrar.
“We hoped the parties supporting this Bill would listen to the near universal opposition from the media, from the legal profession, and from the public and do the right thing. Sadly they have chosen not to.
“We do not believe there should be no consequences for those parties which passed the Electoral Finance Act into law. The NZ Herald correctly labeled it as an “Attack on Democracy” and we believe it is time for Democracy to attack back.
“The Free Speech Coalition will commence an advertising campaign tomorrow against parties and MPs which voted for the Electoral Finance Act. This campaign will continue into 2008. A media advisory with details of the campaign will be released tomorrow.
New Zeal
Thanks to David Farrar, Cameron Slater, John Boscawen and the thousands of others who have worked their guts out to defeat this Bill.
Thanks to National, ACT and the Maori Party who voted against the Bill.
Shame on Labour, the Greens and NZ First for voting for this abomination. May you all be decimated at the polls in 2008.
Utter contempt for Peter Dunne of United Future, who withdrew support for the Bill at the last moment after supporting it for months.
Gutless, unprincipled, snivelling little swine.
Don’t worry Dirk, Act will make it a condition of any coalition agreement.
With the Labour party and their lap dogs destined to be dog tucker at the next election, will the National Government repeal the legislation? I think not. With all their posturing I suspect National will keep it in place and use it to their own advantage.