Tag: Supreme Court
The Kavanaugh Kalculation
Once upon a time, in a more rational America, we could laugh at <ahem> the “inappropriate behavior” of youth. But now, we’re thoroughly “progressivised” and…
Ted Cruz: ‘Supreme Court sided with abortion extremists’
On Monday, Ted Cruz loudly denounced the Supreme Court decision to strike down Texas House Bill 2 from 2013 “that required all Texas facilities performing abortions to meet…
Allen West: “Every American Should Have To Go Out and Buy a Glock 9mm”
Another reason to love Allen West. Mitt Romney just has to choose this man to be his running mate. Thanks to Shona
Killing Obamacare Before It Kills Us – Part 1: The Political Battlefield
NoisyRoom By: AJ Hat Tip: MJ Click here to enlarge… There are two battlefields in the war against Obamacare. There is the political battlefield which…
This Week’s Watcher’s Forum: What’s Your Reaction To The Supreme Court Decision On ObamaCare?
The Watcher’s Council The Supreme Court finally ruled on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, with Chief Justice John Roberts apparently switching his vote at the last…
Obama Lies, Taxes Rise
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton The People’s Cube – OBAMACARE: Let’s Celebrate the Sweet Road to Serfdom The Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare came as a…
AIM Video Study: Barack Obama vs. American Values
AIM: Accuracy in Media has recently developed a new video platform designed to compare and contrast how the Obama Administration and mainstream press coordinate and…
Van Jones: Scalia Wants To Let People Die
NoisyRoom Breitbart.tv: Appearing on HBO’s Bill Maher Show Obama’s former Green Job Czar Van Jones attacks Supreme Court Justice Scalia over his questioning in the…
Constitution Law Epic Fail
By: Malcolm A. Kline Accuracy in Academia Art Lien/NBC News Solicitor General Donald Verrilli argued the case for the Obama administration. There is an obvious…
Astro-Turf Protesters Argue the Constitutionality of Obamacare
From: Accuracy in Media Read more at Accuracy in Media…
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