Posted in Barack Obama Enemies Within Featured Headline Health Care Media Bias Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

EXCLUSIVE! The Enemies Within: The Healthcare Agenda (Video)

Watch this exclusive clip about Obamacare – which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt – that the Affordable Care Act was “designed to fail.”…

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Posted in Barack Obama Featured Headline North America Social Movements Socialism/Communism

Socialist Leader: Obamacare Will Fail – “Single Payer” Comes Next

A senior member of Democratic Socialists of America, the US’ largest Marxist group and the driving force behind Obamacare and the “single payer/socialized healthcare movement,”…

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Posted in 2012 Election Barack Obama Featured Headline Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers The Obama Files Unions Video

DSA Marxists Use Obama and Democrat Sympathizers to Push Their Socialized Health Care Dream

The US’s largest Marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America, has always placed a very high priority on saddling America, with a “single payer” or socialized…

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Posted in 2012 Election Barack Obama Featured Headline Health Care Red Reps Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers The Obama Files Unions Video

How DSA Marxists Influenced Health Policies for Both Major Presidential Candidates

A leading Marxist health academic played a key role in designing health policies in Massachusetts and at the Federal level, now popularly associated with both…

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