Tag: John Conyers
Tim Carpenter: Tribute to a Fine Opponent
I was saddened to learn of the recent death from melanoma, of Massachusetts activist Tim Carpenter. While I have opposed Tim Carpenter’s agenda for years…
“Analyst Says Anti-NSA Campaign Benefits America’s Enemies”
By Cliff Kincaid From Accuracy in Media Trevor Loudon, the author of a new book on socialist penetration of the Democratic party and the U.S….
Help KeyWiki Expose the DSA Marxists in Congress!
Knowledge is power. Our sister site KeyWiki is the greatest online store of knowledge available on the internal enemies of the United States of America….
Help KeyWiki Help Keep America Free!
Information is power. America is undergoing a socialist takeover under President Barack Obama and the complicit “mainstream media” is cheering him on. With over 60,000…
Progressive Congressmen Gather to Plot Agenda: Alinsky Invoked
A major focus of this blog is to expose how radical and Marxist groups have huge influence on Democratic Party policy. One key transmission belt…
DSA Marxists Fundraise for John Conyers
Because of redistricting, veteran Michigan congressman John Conyers is facing his first tough race in years. Conyers is a ranking member and former chair of…
“This Capitalitalist System is Broken” – John Conyers Addresses Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America
Senior Michigan Rep. John Conyers has a 30 year history with the Marxists of Democratic Socialists of America. Recently he addressed Metro Atlanta DSA’s annual…
Conyers Addresses Atlanta Marxists on the “Occupy” Movement and “Broken” Capitalism
Michigan Democratic rep. John Conyers addressed the awards ceremony of Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America on November 5. Conyers tells the assembled Marxists of…
Pelosi Wants to Amend America’s Sacred Documents Forever Expanding Freedom that Comes With Jobs
NoisyRoom By: NakedEmperorNews Your tax dollars and the U.S. as your employer: Nancy Pelosi says she wants to amend America’s sacred documents forever expanding freedom…
Red Reps 8 Hansen Clarke: Michigan Freshman Congressman’s Hard Core Communist Connections
Red Reps 7 here Freshman Congressman Hansen Clarke (D-MI) has a close working relationship with one of the U.S.’s most extreme Marxist-Leninist organizations – the…
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