Tag: guns
Commentary: #DavidHogg, Icon of ignorance
Leave it to the Progressive left to hoist an unaccomplished high school student up as their “golden calf”, their messiah, their Anointed One to deliver…
The Case for the AR-15
By: Peter Gunn How many times have we heard from the Anti gun folks “Make the case for the AR-15” Ok, so here it goes: There…
The Institute for Policy Studies is Coming for Your Guns
The far left Institute for Policy Studies, out of Washington DC, is the ideas factory for the Obama Administration. Then Illinois state senator Barack Obama…
Katie Pavlich on Obama’s Lies and Cover-up of Fast and Furious
By: Roger Aronoff Accuracy in Media Katie Pavlich, who literally wrote the book on Operation Fast and Furious, delivered a very timely talk to the…
This Week’s Watcher’s Forum: Do You Favor Changes To Current Laws On Gun Ownership?
The Watcher’s Council Every week on Monday morning, the Council and invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum, short takes on a major issue…
Barnhardt weighs in – Red Alert
NoisyRoom By: Andrea Shea King The Radio Patriot Earlier today I sent out a blast email detailing the info below. Ann Barnhardt, our Annie Oakley-Joan…
The Council Has Spoken!! This Week’s Watcher’s Council Results 07/22/11
From: The Watcher’s Council The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast and the results are in for this week. Oddly enough, both the…
Watcher’s Council Nominations – Heat Wave Edition
From: The Watcher’s Council To those of you suffering from the heat, here’s a consolation… Washington DC is a lot hotter and sweatier just now….
Fast & Furious Coverup: Eric Holder Stutters, Stutters, Stutters, Can’t Hear! Issa Says Holder Lied
Gulag Bound Maggie’s Notebook Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) questioned Attorney General Eric Holder on what he knew and when he knew it, regarding Operation Fast…
John Bolton Tells NRA Convention Obama is “Following the Mexican Line”
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Brian B. By: FreedomsLighthouse Read more at Freedom’s Lighthouse… See our research on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at KeyWiki.org.
Will the Contemptuous President be Charged with Contempt of Congress?
By: Janet Smiles Gulag Bound Daily Caller: House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., right, accompanied by the committee’s ranking Democrat…
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