Tag: Al Qaeda
“Our Intelligence Services are not the Bad Guys…”
Dianne Feinstein is a socialist and Mike Rogers has definite RINO tendencies – but they’re both right on this issue. From CNN Politics: The leaders…
Al Qaeda in New Zealand?
Even in quiet peaceful New Zealand. From MSNnews NZ There are al Qaeda operatives in New Zealand who were trained in camps overseas, Prime Minister…
Absolutely Must Read! Part 3: Former KGB Colonel Victor Kalashnikov on the Dangers of Putin Worship, Russia’s Anti-Western Alliance With Islam, and the Kremlin’s Grand Strategy
By J.R. Nyquist The following paragraphs serve as “background support” for Victor Kalashnikov’s thesis. Many readers of Part 2 may not have understood Victor Kalashnikov’s…
Lara Logan 2012 BGA Annual Luncheon Keynote Speech
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Judy W. MUST WATCH: Lara Logan’s explosive speech on the resurgence of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan
Why Are They Lying?
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media On the Letterman show, President Barack Obama once again blamed Middle East violence on a movie, adding that he…
Egyptian Zombie Apocalypse
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Chandler’s Watch Drudge Report Turns out that reports by the mainstream media of the Muslim Brotherhood being ‘mostly secular’ and basically…
The Watcher’s Forum: Should The U.S. Pull Out Of Afghanistan And If So, How And When?
The Watcher’s Council As you know, the Watcher’s Council represents the cutting edge of political thought in the blogosphere. You already read their weekly offerings…
Libyan Rebels Release 600 Al-Qaeda Terrorists
Libya’s “liberators” have reportedly liberated 600 Al Qaeda supporters.
Who Are the Libyan Rebels – Really?
From The Telegraph: Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of…
Al Qaeda Man Holds Top Military Post in Libyan Insurgency?
The Russians are not happy that their man Qadaffi has been deposed in Libya. Normally anything coming out of Russia Today, should be viewed as…
The Council Has Spoken!! This Week’s Watcher’s Council Results 07/15/11
From: The Watcher’s Council The Council has spoken and boy did I earn my munificent salary this week! We ended up with three-way ties in…
Watcher’s Council Nominations – Debt Ceiling Black Hole Edition
From: The Watcher’s Council Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere and the…
GOP Rep. Allen West on Obama’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Speech: “What you Saw was a Highly Politicized ‘Mission Accomplished’ Speech”
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Brian B. Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Read more at Freedom’s Lighthouse…
Progressives Urge Obama to Dump Israel
Gulag Bound By: Cliff Kincaid Medea Benjamin, photo basetree.com Unofficial Obama adviser Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink, organized a small demonstration in Washington, D.C….
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