Well Done, That Man!
In this morning’s Christchuch Press comes a cheering tale. A Swiss motorist, flashed by a speed camera attacked the the offending machine with a pickaxe,…
Paying a Price for Principle
Congratulations to Dunedin family doctor, Astrid Windfuhr. Like Nelson doctor Joseph Hassan, Dr Windfuhr has stopped prescribing the contraceptive pill and referring patients for sterilisation…
Watermelon Party Defers Co-leadership
The Green Party has deferred choosing a new co-leader until its June annual meeting. Under the party’s constitution the job must go to a male….
Canute Cullen
Finance Minister, Michael Cullen stands like King Canute neck deep in the tidal surge for tax cuts. Every party in parliament save Labour campaigned for…
Socialism Kills Babies
In an excellent piece in the November 11th NBR, “Birthing disasters are the ‘tip of the iceberg’” Masterton based GP/Obstetrician Tim Bailey Gibson explains how…
Liars and Hypocrites
Observed on “Campbell Live” tonight. Green Party MP Keith Locke roundly condemning US military action in Afghanistan and urging our government to send no more…
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