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By: Linda Goudsmit | pundicity Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release July 2024) Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world…

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By: Linda Goudsmit | pundicity Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release June 2024) Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world…

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Posted in Asia-Pacific Health Care News Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers United Nations

China Goes Gaga Over Pro-U.N. “One World” Program

By: Cliff Kincaid In cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.N. agency that paved the way for the coronavirus global pandemic, a group…

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Posted in Health Care News United Nations

Fight The Corona Virus By Defunding The United Nations

By: Cliff Kincaid A left-wing businessman who claimed in 2017 that President Trump isn’t pro-anything except “essentially white nationalism” was on business channel CNBC on Tuesday trying…

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Posted in Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers United Nations

The Humanitarian Hoax Of The United Nations: Killing America With Kindness – Hoax 36

By: Linda Goudsmit | Pundicity The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a…

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Posted in Asia-Pacific International Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers United Nations

Nikki Haley Brings The Heat To The U.N. And Slams Russia For Violating North Korean Sanctions

By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley brought the heat when she slammed Putin yesterday over allowing thousands of…

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Posted in United Nations

Nikki Haley Goes To War At The UN: ‘Every Day I Feel Like I Put Body Armor On’

By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Nikki Haley could arguably be president one day. She’s absolutely fearless and I admire her a great deal. One the…

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Posted in United Nations

U.S. to Withdraw from UN Human Rights Council

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Haley has said panel wages ‘pathological’ anti-Israel campaign U.K.’s Johnson has said council is flawed but has value The…

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Posted in 2018 Election Anti-Trump Barack Obama Economics Enemies Within Illegal Immigration Latin America Radical Islam United Nations

President Trump – Fight Fire with Fire

In the months leading up to the 2016 elections we had waves of “unaccompanied minors” (a/k/a “the children”) flamboyantly crossing our borders. They’re still here. Now…

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Posted in United Nations

U.S. Caps Money at 25% of UN Peacekeeping

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code For the most part, peacekeepers do not achieve the standards of their home country for military or humanitarian positions,…

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Posted in 2018 Election Enemies Within Illegal Immigration Latin America North America Social Movements Uncategorized United Nations

On Behalf of the Middle Class, an Eight-Count Indictment Against Democrats, Republicans and Crony Corporate Interests

INTRODUCTION: DACA (and amnesty generally) is again at the top of the news. The outcome of this political battle is is a matter of existential…

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Posted in Illegal Immigration United Nations

POLL: Should we DEFUND the United Nations and use the $$ to #BuildTheWall?

For Christmas, I think we should get OUT of the UNITED NATIONS and BUILD a BIG, BEAUTIFUL WALL! What do you think? Please respond and…

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