By: Cliff Kincaid
The Christmas season was a time to reflect on the Holy Family, as Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are considered a model family, to be copied by Christians. In real life, the model family is in disrepair, especially at the “conservative” news channel Fox.
Fox was leading the way in ridiculing Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii over her opening questions to Interior Secretary nominee Doug Burgum during his confirmation hearing. She said, “As part of my responsibilities to ensure the fitness of nominees before any of the committees on which I sit, I ask the following two initial questions. First is, since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature? Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to this kind of conduct?”
Bergum answered “no” to both questions.
Hirono is a far-left Democrat who embarrasses herself in public but in this case, I don’t think these are unreasonable questions of any nominee, Republican or Democrat.
Those questions are being raised at a time when a former Fox host, Pete Hegseth, is scrambling to save his nomination as Secretary of Defense and is fighting to quiet the details of his own sex scandal and several failed marriages. His latest marriage was to a Fox producer.
In my column, “Conservative Sex Scandals and Conduct Unbecoming,” I examine the Hegseth scandal, in which it is alleged that he paid a woman to stay silent about their sexual encounter. Even his mother took the side of one of his ex-wives.
In addition to Hegseth, three prominent Fox News hosts, Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, and Ainsley Earhardt, have gone through divorces that have been the subject of sensational headlines, even on Fox News. Hannity and Earhardt are now engaged and we wish them well.
In this context, do I dare say it might be advisable to start 2025 with a New Year’s Resolution to Make America Moral Again, as proposed by columnist and author Linda Goudsmit?
While I am hopeful that MAGA can play a role in turning America around morally, I am doubtful because of President Trump’s decision to back away from his culturally conservative positions on issues like abortion that he proclaimed in 2016. He once believed in the right to life from conception to death. Now he says it’s a state’s rights issue.
I am also doubtful that Fox News, which has seen its ratings and profits rise because of the perception it is pro-Trump, will play a role in saving our Republic. The hanky-panky at the channels’ headquarters continues.
Randy Engel, the founder of the U.S. Coalition for Life (USCL), thinks that Trump, if he wants to Make America Great Again, should lead a campaign to protect innocent human life. Fox News, presenting itself as a pro-Trump outlet, could help make it possible.
“I think that most in the pro-life community believe that God protected President Trump from an assassination attempt so that he might gain a renewed appreciation for the priceless gift of life. As President of the United States, he has a unique opportunity to express his gratitude to God by extending that same protection to countless unborn human beings. And there is no better way than backing a no-exception Constitutional Human Life Amendment,” Engel noted.
“Whatever else President Trump might accomplish in his second administration,” she said, “History will always consider it secondary in importance to his public decision to help end, not regulate, the ongoing mass extermination of our nation’s progeny.”
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, is the 55th anniversary of Roe V. Wade, the ruling that mandated abortion on demand. It was overturned in a subsequent ruling, giving the issues back to the states.
Trump once backed the Constitutional Human Life Amendment but has since backed away from it.
If America is to return as a pro-life nation, one would think that a news channel proclaiming itself devoted to Christian and conservative values would adopt this pro-life stance. But those pro-lifers looking to Fox News as a beacon of conservative Christian and pro-life values must now expect the worst.
The most recent news is that Fox News personality Sean Hannity, a self-proclaimed conservative Catholic, is divorcing his wife to marry another Fox host, Ainsley Earhardt, who had two marriages and two divorces that produced a darling little girl. Hannity has two children.
I mention these personal details because the new marriage is being highlighted by Fox News itself as a major development.
We are being told that Earhardt is a self-proclaimed Christian who reads Christian books to her child at night and “carries her Christian faith with her as she broadcasts into more than a million homes every morning” on Fox & Friends, notes one Christian publication.
The Fox News website highlights her Christian faith and she hosts a Bible Study on the Fox Nation channel, “as she talks faith, family, trials and triumphs with guests from all walks of life.”
Fox News reported that Hannity proposed to Earhardt over Christmas at a church, “solidifying their long-term commitment to each other,” and that they “had the blessing and support” from their children, who “couldn’t be happier.”
“We are overjoyed and so thankful to our families for all of their love and support during this wonderful time in our lives,” Earhardt and Hannity said.
I would say this is putting a happy face on two broken marriages, a story designed to convince Fox viewers that two of their favorite hosts are now living the good life, a Christian life, together. Fox claimed they “bonded over their deep faith, and the two have placed God first in their relationship…”
Fox added that both Earhardt and Hannity were previously married and “still get along well” with their ex-spouses and “everyone is supportive of each other,” according to the couple.
That’s very hard to believe.
It’s none of my business, except for the fact that putting the “Christian” label on this arrangement seems like a stretch. But this is what we are being told by Fox News in a major public relations effort to bless this new union.
Sex scandals and adulterous affairs have characterized Fox News since the time when a group of women exposed how Fox founder Roger Ailes sexually harassed attractive women in his employ. His techniques eventually gave rise to the movie “Bombshell.”
In my article on Hegseth, I list the 32 mostly conservative figures who are publicly backing a man with serious personal problems who has been indicted by his own mother for abusing women but now says he has found Jesus and is a changed man.
We hope for the best for this troubled man, but with Fox News backing him under the circumstances of what’s been happening at the channel for decades, I don’t expect the channel to be the tip of the spear on issues of great concern to Christian conservatives.
- Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org
Did you ever hear about forgiveness Jesus said” Luke 5:24 But that you may know that the Son Of Man has power on earth to forgive sins” and also Luke 6:37 Judge not that you shall not be judged”. also Luke 8:27 He who is without sin cast the first stone.” Also Matthew7:5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brothers’ eye.” I have had enough of your self righteous indignation! God does not have a scale on sin that is you think some sins are worse than others oh no!!!! the extremely ” religious: Pharisees observed the Law to the utmost degree and Jesus called them a pit of vipers and dead men’s bones and hypocrites!!~!!;