By: Cliff Kincaid
In a previous column, “Making Sodom and Gomorrah Great Again,” I warned about the leftward drift of the Trump for president campaign. It has gotten worse. He is now promoting the legalization of dope.
Some say it doesn’t matter, that they will support Trump no matter what. They say only Trump will save America from communism. But if Trump is adopting elements of the communist agenda for America, moving left on dope, gays, and abortion, many conservatives will start having second thoughts about whether to support him. If they perceive he wants to win at any cost, without regard to the moral issues that grip the nation, he will lose many votes, perhaps millions from Christians and conservatives.
At a time when the new Reagan movie is gripping the nation, providing an opportunity for Trump to copy Reagan’s politically successful playbook, Trump has decided to jettison one of the main legs of Trump’s three-legged stool of foreign policy, economic, and social conservatives as a strategy of winning. Trump has decided to appeal to Cultural Marxists by embracing legalized marijuana.
David G Evans, Senior Counsel for the group, Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators, told me in a statement, “We are very disappointed that Trump has caved into the left-wing drug legalization scam funded by George Soros. Marijuana legalization has caused increases in addiction, mental illness, crime, and violence. Trump is acting in ignorance of the damage that has been caused in those states that have legalized marijuana. We get many calls from parents about how marijuana has destroyed their children. Trump has now come down on the side of addiction for profit. Not even Biden has come out in favor of legalization.”
As Evans indicates, Trump’s dramatic turn in favor of legalized marijuana doesn’t make sense politically. Historically, it’s stupid for a Republican to pander to the stoners and the Soros-supported legalization movement, which is backing the Democrats.
If we examine history, especially Reagan’s strategy of having a “three-legged” stool of political support from fiscal/economic, foreign policy, and Christan/social conservatives, we quickly realize that, on this basis, Reagan was elected for two terms. His second win was a landslide.
The culture has changed for the worse, to be sure, but this is no time to abandon the fight to the marijuana industry, the abortion business, and the “gay” lobby, now in a new phase that inevitably leads to acceptance of pedophilia.
Yet, in that previous column, I noted that Trump’s wife Melania, a Catholic, was raising money for the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay activist group that supports homosexual “marriage” and other radical LGBTQ agenda items.
In addition to this betrayal, Trump has already embraced liberal abortion laws and abortion pills, and now, in his own Truth Social Account, has endorsed the so-called “recreational” use of marijuana in his home state of Florida. He claims it is inevitable.
It’s only inevitable if principled conservatives allow it.
In addition to drifting to the left on abortion, gay rights, and marijuana, thereby alienating conservatives and Christians, he is being surrounded by figures who have a history of advocating sacrificing Ukraine to Vladimir Putin’s Russia, jeopardizing the “peace through strength” element of the Republican coalition that was prominent under Reagan.
Those figures include Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, and RFK Jr.
None of this will concern the so-called “MAGA Media,” or even such Fox News personalities as Greg Gutfeld, who, on the abortion issue, once declared that it has “become an acceptable evil” in America and we will just have to live with it. He advocated taking abortion “off the table,” which he claimed would enable Republicans to win votes and “be in power forever.”
This seems to be the new Trump position on abortion, gays, and now dope.
In another previous column, Trump Campaign Embraces Abortion and Homosexuality, I noted that the Trump for President campaign was signaling that the anti-Christian social order is too strong for Trump to overcome and that he is making a deal with the devil to win the November election.
With his endorsement of legal dope, he is apparently trying to appease the Soros-funded drug legalization movement.
But Reagan never would have agreed with this dangerous drift to the left. He didn’t have to deal with the homosexual problem, but his wife Nancy was a great proponent of the “Just Say No” campaign against marijuana and other dangerous drugs.
Now, Trump is saying “Yes” to legal dope, on the grounds that many people want to smoke the drug and get high. He wants to cede ground to those wanting to addict our young people to a mind-altering drug.
Trump’s turn on abortion was bad enough, and that betrayal demonstrates his lack of knowledge of the communist menace.
In the new Reagan movie, Reagan is shown reading the book, Witness, by ex-Communist Whittaker Chambers, in which he discusses going from pro-abortion to pro-life.
Chambers said, “There were Communist doctors who rendered that service [abortion] for a small fee. Communists who were more choosy knew liberal doctors who would render the same service for a larger fee. Abortion, which now fills me with physical horror, I then regarded, like all Communists, as a mere physical manipulation.”
In 1933, when his wife became pregnant, Chambers said that he and his wife immediately knew that, as faithful communists, their immediate option was abortion. But his wife came over, took his hands, and burst into tears, saying, “We couldn’t do that awful thing to a little baby, not to a little baby.” It was the instinct of a mother.
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner once provided the dirty secret behind abortion – it keeps women sexually available to men. That’s why he funded the “abortion rights” movement.
When he ran for the first time, Trump was considered pro-life, and his supporters carried signs that said, “Make Unborn Babies Great Again.”
Now his pro-life supporters are alienated and sickened by his turn, for crass political reasons, in favor of death and suffering for the unborn (under limited circumstances and certain time limits, he claims). His reasoning is that he wants the votes of women who find giving birth inconvenient to their career plans. He buys the feminist argument that babies up to a certain point are not human beings.
Under Trump, the 2024 Republican platform has not only dropped support for a human life amendment to protect the rights of the unborn but has dropped opposition to so-called gay marriage. Now Trump wants legal dope.
Trump sometimes compares himself to Reagan, but it was Reagan who wrote “Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation,” about his conversion to the pro-life point of view.
Chambers’ book Witness, which had such a profound impact on Reagan, was about more than abortion. It was about an even greater struggle between the forces of darkness and light, of which communism versus freedom was just one chapter.
Trump says he opposes communism, like Reagan, but moving into alignment with the forces of darkness on matters of life and death just so he can win an election is not Godly.
- Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.
I suspect the author has relied upon AI to spit out the flawed feedback instead of performing the due diligence to get the true facts. There are a lot of Trevor Loudoun articles that are great, but there are multiple articles generated by various writers at one time almost instantly. It is best practice to get two reliable sources rather that race to beat the clock get these comments out the door. AI is no more reliable than Wikileaks except AI is a hot mess on steroids.
I have watched and listened to pretty much every Trump interview, press Q&As and Trump rallies. None of your Trump hit piece has come up. Keep in mind that the Biden / Harris admin allowed marijuana legalization by the states despite the fact the it is a Federal violation. the Democrats are pushing to down grade the drug’s rating. People are buying it on the black market so they don’t have to pay tax and so that their is no record of purchases. Congress would have to change the law to allow it on the Federal level. Reagan dealt with issues of the time and so is Trump. Trump has endured all the garbage that Soros has hurled at him for the past 8+ years and counting. Now? You are saying that Trump is caving? Seriously? Gays have rights. Trump recognizes that. The Catholic Church has shunned gays. Pope Francis has claimed that he will he more accepting of gays, yet, he refers to them as “faggots”. What the Church fails to understand is that gays are born that way. You can not sprinkle holy water on gays, perform an exorcism and hold a re-education deprogramming course to make them “normal”. Trump recognizes that in this day and age. When a president take office he must consider what the people want and what works within the bounds of the law and the constitution. Take Biden for example. Biden worked to force the Catholic Church to sell / readily provide condoms to patients in Catholic Hospitals in violation to church doctrine. I am Catholic. I know. Biden also tried to shut down church services during the pandemic but allowed nonreligious venues to operate. When the Church advised Biden that it was considering excommunucating Biden from the church, Biden threatened to take away the Catholic Church’ s tax exempton. Biden / Harris are backed by Soros. You do not provide a direct source for your claims. Yes, Trump has stated that their are instances that he must be flexible and open minded in order to win. I wonder if Reagan would have held strictly to his beliefs if he were running today against the Biden / Harris Marxist regime to ensure that he would be ablec to save America just like Trump is trying to do. As a U.S. citizen, a Veteran, a parent, a husband, a Capitalist, a staunch Republican (originally raised as a Democrat) I treasure our Republic. I support Trump 100% all the way to the White House to save our country. You may not like his personality but he knows how to save the country. He did it once. He will do it again. For God’s sake! Trump took a bullet for our country. If you insist on demonizing Trump get the facts first hand. Show us the video tape of Trump stating his position. at least he has his platform that which Harris has plagiarized from Trump.