Xi Is Fine With Killing Us, Again

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code

So, President Biden met with Chinese President Xi for four hours and they discussed re-opening joint military communications Then the matter of chemicals for the production of fentanyl came up and Xi said he would work to ‘curb’ the trafficking that eventually comes into the United States via Mexico drug cartels. Of course, climate change was part of the topics, and a little about artificial intelligence. Note, there was nothing about espionage at the new base in Cuba, the COVID lab leak, the spy balloon, or intellectual property theft.

Then there was a reception and dinner at the cost of $40,000 per person hosted by two organizations: the U.S.-China Business Council and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. Wall Streeters, Pfizer, Blackock, Apple, Boeing, FedEx, Visa and MasterCard and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, and Kurt Campbell, a top White House China advisor. San Francisco Mayor London Breed all had a spot at a table. Elon Musk of Tesla only attended the reception.

So, what about killing us?

The Select Committee of the Chinese Communist Party completed a terrifying first part of an investigation on a nefarious bio-lab… here goes.

The committee chaired by Congressman Gallagher unveiled our bipartisan report on the Illegal bio-lab in Reedley, CA run by a wanted PRC national with previous ties to the Chinese government.


Remember that President Biden says that China is not an adversary but rather a competitor. Furthermore, we need to ask some harder questions of the CDC as you noted in that video those officials could not have cared less. What is worse is the FBI never bothered to investigate and then there is blame in the lap of DHS for allowing this illegal Chinese operative to even enter the country.

Reedley Lab Owner Tied to CCP - California Globe


Ebola? HIV? COVID? And what else? Where are the other labs? The lab owner Jai Bei Zhu, is going by the name David He. Zhu was/is part of the Chinese Communist Party’s “Military-Civil Fusion” program, and received millions in suspicious dollars from China while stealing American bio-technology, selling unlicensed pregnancy and COVID tests, and squirreling away thousands of vials of deadly pathogens.

His criminal complaint is found here.

President Xi should be thrown out of the country never to return. A travel ban on China should be levied. The United States should declare any loans or federal debts to China as paid in full. Then there is the matter of Governor Newsom… yeesh don’t even know where to start on that one. But, we cannot leave out Wall Street or business leaders.

Shocking… that our government not only cannot protect us but worse refuses to protect us. Take that into consideration when it comes time to vote at every level.


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