By: Tabitha Korol
An entrepreneur with an estimated net worth of more than $136 billion, Bill Gates founded Microsoft and technology; is deeply involved with the World Health Organization, which encompasses the world economy and world peace; the international Planned Parenthood Foundation, focusing on eugenics and population control; and the many facets of academia, all without the corresponding educational background. He is now prepared to control our food supply, the climate, and shoot for the sun.
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Bill Gates is one of several non-academics who, notwithstanding, have been permitted to implement major changes in our education system in preparation for a federal takeover. Promoted by President Obama’s administration, the schools now communicate a radical political ideology to produce workers for a global economy. Had their intentions been honorable, they might well have reverted back to the older textbooks when the overhaul proved to be less than stellar, but it was progressing precisely according to plan.
Although I’ve provided greater detail in past essays, we’re due for a recap because the globalists have instituted so much more. Boards of Education (B of E) have increased their indoctrination by fabricating a history in which “revolution, religion, gender, and racial groups” have negatively shaped our culture. Historic truth is absent. Our students know little about America’s history, our founding, and the laws that were enacted to provide freedom for all. Today’s textbooks portray the United States as an evil empire to be loathed, disrespected, and replaced by a socialist/Marxist governance. The political Black Lives Matter curriculum encourages racial divisiveness and victimology, which I view as the Obamas’ vengeance against the white population.
Math was first made so difficult that parents can often not help with homework – all in the name of equity – that children may struggle equally. Now, the Gates Foundation is bankrolling “anti-racist” math, so that students need not show the correct answer and to “dismantle the classroom’s power structure.” As marriage and family are continually disparaged, and broken homes, single mothers, and neglected children disregarded, the left is removing courses where white students were said to excel. National standards weaken the students and diminish any individual talents they may have. Playtime was reduced drastically and now the children hate school.
Removing phonics from the reading program results in fewer readers and increased illiteracy. Students are being robbed of the joys of sounding out new words and reading on their own. Reading has been made more frustrating and overwhelming. Classic literature is also under attack, particularly as today’s teachers under lockdown announced they want to drop Shakespeare from the curriculum. The replacement recommendations are dystopian and sexualized stories that are far beyond the children’s comfort levels and coping skills. The frontal lobe’s maturity level to handle such situations does not mature until about age 25, so their reading experiences are decidedly unpleasant. Our enemy within is disenfranchising and under-educating our youths to discourage their reading and exercise of independent reasoning and reckoning, rendering an equivalent of the Nazi book burning unnecessary.
Math and reading test scores had dropped significantly in 2006, the graduation rates of major US cities down to 52%, with an abysmal 70% for the national average, and the administrations continue to ignore parents’ requests to remove Common Core. Gates somewhat laughed when he admitted to the project’s failure, but he was willing to test other methods on our nation’s children. Of course, offspring of the elite attend private schools.
When the failures of No Child Left Behind became obvious, Obama and Gates embraced another disastrous program, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). They then removed the requirement that teachers must have mastery over their subjects and employed unqualified teachers. The solution was equity, replacing meritocracy with uniformity, but without grades and competition, the students lost their incentive to learn and succeed. I do not agree that Bill and Melinda Gates meant well. They invested millions to accomplish precisely what they achieved. They openly admit to seeking population reduction, restraining humanity, and limiting freedom under a globalist rule. The decline of education was a deliberate success for them.
Gates’s Common Core continues to be the left’s focus. Students’ rights are being crushed through intersectionality, the system that divides them into competitive groups to force feelings of oppression. American exceptionalism is all but extinguished, and scholastic achievement has become a social justice agenda. Our students have been trained to hate Jews, Christians, all white people, the family unit, and different opinions. They’ve been taught to believe that males and females function similarly, but that there are more than 59 sexes. The young victims agree to abortions, myriad sexual deviances, and mutilation while succumbing to permanent emotional damage. Indeed, the children are told they can change their sex but are actually undergoing disfigurement and dismemberment so that they will never be able to produce the next generation – a horrific scheme for depopulation.
In mid-February, 2021, the Senate considered The Equality Act, which removes from our vocabulary the differences between the two sexes, which amounts to ignoring science and the existence and qualities unique to both sexes. It endangers women and defeats women’s sports competitions, and diminishes the masculinity we count on for protective forces. It was also a week ago that The Ohio State University announced its support of freshmen girls prostituting themselves during the annual “Sex Week.” Other perverted presentations for teens include toxic masculinity, binary genders, sex in faith settings, and “Kink 101.” And OSU is not alone.
Gates owes his wealth, his influence, and, above all, his ideology of eugenics to his parents, Mary, and Bill Sr. Building upon the concept of “philanthrocapitalism,” in which the skills of the fabulously rich are applied to the world’s problems, their attentive young son now eagerly carries on his parents’ dream, the weeding out of “others,” the “deplorables,” the Untermenschen, the racism that they and the Nazis advocated. Such “philanthropists” are committed to securing the world for their kind. Gates invokes ‘the rich world’s enlightened self-interest” and warns that “if societies can’t provide for people’s basic health, if they can’t feed and educate people, then their population and problems will grow and the world will be a less stable place.” In an interview, he warned “huge population growth in places where we don’t want it, like Yemen and Pakistan and parts of Africa.” The magisterial “we” being the rich.
Without death camps and ovens (for now), it is still possible to reduce the population directly, through the Gates Foundation’s involvement in global vaccinations, and indirectly, through education – with equity to equalize outcome, where none are better and none are worse, and no hope for singular achievement and improvement. It is only equality that can provide every human being with freedom and equal opportunity to rise, each according to his innate abilities, efforts, and dreams. Bad learning experiences are known to affect children negatively by stifling their emotional growth and causing depression, an effective means of reducing population. Those who react in frustration and anger are used on the streets as the rabble-rousers, the rebellious, the army of the left.
In his latest outburst of academic genius, our hero of philanthropy is now bankrolling a group of 25 educational organizations to defend non-white students from math because correct answers are racist, capitalist, and imperialist views. In order to turn the tables and blame “white supremacists” for the underachievement of brown and black students, the elimination of the grading system is said to “combat racism.” Rather, this has intentionally increased racism by turning the tables against the white population. The left has implemented a shame-and-blame society, reviving the victimhood of black slaves while also victimizing the whites for the slavery of previous centuries.
As schools continue their descent into madness, Bill Gates, devoid of any medical background, may now branch out into other fields – healthcare and vaccinations. From 1933 to 1945, Nazi physicians and medically trained geneticists began developing racial health policies, including “medical” experimentation to advance their racial and ideological views and sterilization that harmed many minorities, and nearly annihilated Europe’s Jewish population. Gates Sr., a proponent of Planned Parenthood (PP), set the mindset for Gates Jr., and vaccinations gone wrong in Africa and India. A former PP clinic director revealed that girls were receiving prescription contraceptives without doctors’ orders, thereby endangering them while increasing PP’s Medicaid reimbursement.
Gates made the DTP (Diptheria-Tetanus-Pertussis) vaccine a priority for African babies, yet Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., reported that ten times more African children died of Gates’s DTP vaccine than those not vaccinated. Still, Gates remains the de facto authority. He was responsible for India’s polio-eradication campaign in 2011 that caused 47,500 cases of vaccine-induced polio paralysis. He also promoted the highly controversial Pentavalent vaccine (hepatitis-B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and Hib/Haemophilus Influenzae type-b), which was banned by Japan, UK, Canada, and the US for its unprincipled experimentation, uninformed consent, and forced medical procedures. Is there anyone who still cannot recognize the connection of the present to the not-so-distant past?
This is likely to continue unabated, as the Gates Foundation is essentially unaccountable, moving freely between the private and public spheres. Not burdened by democracy or national sovereignty, Gates himself gloated, “I’m not gonna get voted out of office.”
Kennedy also reported on April 14, 2020, that Anthony Fauci’s NIAID gave $3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab, to fund experiments on bats from the local caves. Researchers warned they were playing with fire. The prophetic Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates predicted a pandemic just before President Trump assumed office. Now, a new, severe syndrome has been revealed – a Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children – following their recuperation from the COVID-19 virus. Doctors are warning that COVID vaccines may be causing autoimmune attacks in the heart and brain, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has issued warnings of the depopulation effects of vaccines within three to six months. Yet, Gates remains the guru of global health, securing himself from any litigation.
Gates’s RNA approach to the coronavirus, considered promising for pandemics and other applications, is admittedly challenging for the elderly, but promising for the young. During a May 2020 interview, he declared that he wants the entire world force-vaccinated while seeking exoneration of any liability for himself and pharmaceutical companies. The vaccinations could be made compulsory (against the individual’s rights), compelled by the Supreme Court for the protection of public health and safety, and considered constitutional, as it did during the 1905 smallpox epidemic, and Bill Gates stands to profit by the millions.
This necessitates some revelatory information about how Gates would then extend his control to vaccination cards and universal testing requirements, Agenda ID2020, as part of a vaccination package. The agenda was designed and backed by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the WEF, and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations), a centralized general electronic data collection to include 200 points per citizen, for such as bank accounts, shopping habits, health records, political inclination, etc. This is his entrée to complete control over all citizenry, including their right to bear children, attend government-controlled schools, travel, start businesses and hiring procedures, to qualify for national healthcare and voting rights, ad infinitum.
So drastically out of touch, Gates was shown smirking during a TV interview, as business owners have shut down, workers lost jobs, the elderly suffered from loneliness, and students agonized from isolation and ended their own lives. He calmly said the people must continue on lockdown.
On February 26th it was announced that litigation is beginning for Crimes Against Humanity, an offense in the international criminal law, adopted in the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg Charter), for the full devastating impact and domination inflicted on the public as a consequence of the “wholly fraudulent” coronavirus (corona scandal), from which no extra deaths have been reported – the collateral damage from the lockdowns, destruction of businesses and people’s lives, and the imposition of masks that are considered very damaging to the psychological and physical health of the wearer. The group of attorneys of several countries is seeking legal reparations for all who have been adversely affected. The information will also include a review of the dangerous Great Reset, to fight for the implementation of a truly independent justice system. Please listen to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich here.
Gates has the proverbial finger in every pie. He already believes humans should be eating synthetic beef, and with his recent purchase of 242 acres of farmland and nearly 27,000 acres of other land across 19 states, he is America’s farmland king in control of agriculture. In agreement with AOC’s desire to make cattle farming a thing of the past, thereby depriving Americans of beef, dairy products, and leather, Gates may now control the production of plant food. Dare we expect this disciple of extinction to increase food production or is it more likely that he’d proceed along the path of Stalin’s “Great Purge” of 1932, the political starvation of 13.9 million Ukrainians.
Gates has now granted himself license to fund a climate change experiment with Harvard scientists to dim or block out the sun, another means of curbing our food sources for depopulation. Anything is possible when we surrender our rights.