How Trump’s “Red Wave” Could Fizzle Out

By Cliff Kincaid

Two recent polls and one major analysis of the polling data are finding that, despite “electability concerns,” Joe Biden is either beating or tied with President Trump. This suggest that another “Red Wave” will fizzle out, Trump will lose in November, and the Democrats will keep the Senate and take the House.

Biden or his replacement is still favored to win because the Democratic Party is not organized around one man but Barack Hussein Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” strategy of grabbing political power, based on the exploitation of alienated groups.

Obama operative Steve Phillips devised this strategy of capturing a majority of the electorate. He calls it the “New American Majority,” meaning they have a lock on at least 51 percent of the electorate, consisting of people of color (23 percent of all eligible voters) and white progressives (28 percent of all eligible voters). These people are considered victims of the “white power structure” and the “patriarchy.”

This “New American Majority” also incorporates those with a secular, humanist, atheist, or New Age mentality. The newest “constituency” consists of dope smokers.

This coalition is growing larger every day because of the breakdown in society and the destruction of traditional values. It grows in strength because of the “permanent revolution” that guides Marxist strategies of gaining and maintaining power, even in so-called “democracies.”

In short, those who believe in traditional American values are declining in numbers, power, and influence.

All that we are hearing these days from the conservative and liberal media is that Biden is in trouble, that the Democrats are in turmoil. But this conflict is an integral part of the constant “struggle” that defines the advance of Marxism. For Marxists, the struggle is the essence of historical progress.

To non-Marxists, it appears chaotic. But the “permanent revolution” of constant change and struggle was articulated by Karl Marx, the father of communism.

This is true on the global level as well. Whether we are talking about Islam’s “struggle,” Hitler’s “My Struggle,” or the Marxist dialectic of “struggle,” the purpose is to overthrow Christian civilization, creating a post-Christian and socialist world.

Biden may leave the scene and be replaced by younger and more aggressive self-styled “progressives.” It doesn’t matter. This is a side show.  The Democrats believe they can defeat Trump and the Republicans no matter who is at the top of the ticket. Their success in the 2022 elections, when a “Red Wave” was predicted but failed to materialize, proves their point.

Even with Biden at the top of the ticket, they are favored to win.

Trump supporters may find it hard to believe, but the polls do not look good for Trump and they look even worse for Republicans running for the Senate and the House. 

ABC notes: “Americans divide 46-47% between Biden and Trump if the election were today, almost identical to a 44-46% ABC/Ipsos poll result in April. Among registered voters (though there’s plenty of time to register) it’s an absolute tie, 46-46%.”

A Marist poll of registered voters nationally finds Biden beating Trump 50% to 48%.

At the same time, an analysis of the 2024 presidential election by the respected group known as FiveThirtyEight finds that Biden is still favored to win, despite his poor debate performance.

We were warned about the Marxist strategy back in 1961, when the (now-defunct) House Committee on Un-American Activities analyzed the book How Parliament can Play a Revolutionary Part in Transition to Socialism, explaining how “democratic nations” can be transformed into communist countries. The author was Jan Kozak, historian of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.

Meanwhile, the Republican party has now coalesced around one man, Donald J. Trump, who, according to conservative author J.R. Hawkins, is running on “Grievance, Revenge and Retribution.” His prominent supporters in the media like Stephen K. Bannon and Alex Jones are either in prison or going bankrupt.

It’s not a good look. “Trump has some really bad advisers around him that are turning MAGA into a fringe movement,” says Hawkins.

I warned in a recent column that Trump “is surrounded by yes men and people wearing MAGA hats who are blind to the reality of what is happening on the ground.”

In this context, remember the non-existent “Red Wave” election of 2022? The so-called “news” organizations promoting the Red Wave propaganda included the New York Post, Fox News, Fox Business, Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech channel, the Clay & Buck radio show, PJ Media, Townhall, the Daily Caller, and the Real America’s Voice network.

These are the same media organizations now insisting to their conservative viewers and listeners that the Democrats are now in turmoil and headed toward a massive defeat in November.

Tragically, the stage was set when President Trump gave an amnesty to Barack Hussein Obama, his predecessor, and Hillary Clinton, his competitor in 2016. Both escaped justice and launched the Russia-gate hoax while Trump has recently been sitting in a courtroom, facing allegations of sexual assault, corporate malfeasance, cover-ups, and even espionage. These charges have taken their toll and galvanized America’s new Marxist majority.

As you saw in Biden’s Detroit speech on Friday, this is what the Democratic Party’s campaign will be all about. The speech generated headlines about a fiery Biden, backed up by chants against Trump of “Lock Him Up.”

Trump’s advisers have no understanding of Marxism and how the current civil war is being waged by the Democrats. But Steve Phillips, the clever operative, has written a new book, How We Win the Civil War, on how a total Marxist victory can be achieved.

In desperation, Trump is moving left on social issues such as abortion and homosexuality. He thinks attracting a few liberal women and “gay” conservatives is the key to winning. It is a big mistake that risks alienating many conservatives inclined to vote for him.  They will either sit out the election or vote for Randall Terry of the Constitution Party.  

One conservative pro-lifer who is disillusioned by Trump’s backtracking on the right to life thinks of the MAGA movement this way: “I think of the tragic Thunderbirds air accident of 1982. As you may recall, the famous Thunderbirds, the USAF aerobatic team, was practicing for one of their air shows. They were trained to follow the leader. The leader’s stabilizer stuck, and he slammed into the ground at 400 mph. So did the rest of his team.”

Rather than appease the left, Randall Terry proclaims that America is in a “Life Crisis” because the nation no longer respects human life and releases a video that dares to call out the “liars, perverts, mad men, and baby killers.” The video highlights U.S. government corruption, involvement in foreign wars, crime in the cities, anti-white ideologies in schools, open borders, and millions of dead from abortion.

In the absence of such a direct message about the stakes regarding America’s future, the Republican Party will fall into oblivion, as it just did in Britain, or lose to a “Popular Front” of communists, socialists, and greens that helped turn back a right-wing challenge to the establishment in France.

After defeating the conservatives, the French Communist Party leader Fabien Roussel declared, “It is time to open a new stage for the left.”

It is already happening in America.


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