By: Cliff Kincaid
It doesn’t look good for conservatives.
Donald J. Trump was evicted from the presidency by the Deep State, cancer has taken Rush Limbaugh, and now the Republicans running Texas have so mismanaged the power grid that they are asking for investigations that will inevitably lead to their ouster and a Democratic Party takeover of the state.
Blaming the Green New Deal, which hasn’t passed Congress, may go over with some of those in Sean Hannity’s Fox audience, but those who are freezing in Texas won’t believe it.
That flip, plus Georgia becoming a blue state, suggests that the Grand Old Party is finished as a national force. If that is not already the case, Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell is determined to dig Donald J. Trump’s grave.
Meanwhile, as the Democrats consolidate their power, their puppet-masters are declaring that our future lies in the hands of major corporations, operating as instruments of the state. Hence, Bill Gates predicts we will be eating synthetic meat.
This may sound macabre, but it reminds me of the old Charlton Heston movie where he cries “Soylent green is people,” discovering the harvesting of the dead to meet the food supply.
Who knows where the “synthetic” will be coming from? Probably something concocted in a lab behind our backs. Like the China virus.
Unborn babies are already being harvested for China virus vaccines, and the Vatican has no problem with it. Most people don’t even know because Big Tech censors the truth.
In the cases of Trump and Limbaugh, we see how people who were once never associated with conservatives came over to the conservative cause. That’s a good thing. Now, their fortunes should be put at the disposal of the conservative movement.
Trump was for most of his career associated with the Democratic Party and gave gobs of money to them. When he changed ideologies, he started giving to the American Conservative Union, a group run by a lobbyist. Limbaugh never voted for Ronald Reagan for president but became a staunch Reaganite. He reached millions and he made millions.
Trump and Limbaugh, each in their own way, understood the value of conservatism. Today, it is a movement in need of resources and understanding.
Allan Ryskind, my former editor at Human Events, once Reagan’s favorite newspaper, is a true conservative on economic, social, and foreign policy. He has written a perceptive Washington Times column about how he came to embrace Trump and became an “Ever Trumper,” wedded to his very conservative policies. They must be defended as Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove keep up their attacks on Trump.
Ryskind wrote, “Offhand, I can’t think of a policy Mr. Trump proposed and implemented that I didn’t favor. I was gung-ho for his spectacular tax and deregulation policies, which brought us a dazzling economy, booming 401Ks, and the lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics in modern history. By unleashing the oil and natural gas industry, the president not only created more of those good-paying American jobs but made us energy independent, meaning we would no longer have to rely on an unstable Middle East for these critical fuels in time of war.”
In foreign policy, he cited the Trump record: “Getting tough with China, isolating Iran, keeping North Korea in check and defeating ISIS militarily are hardly inconsequential achievements. His audacious Middle East policy not only increased Israel’s security but inspired at least five Arab states to normalize relations with the Jewish state.”
On immigration, he wrote, “President Trump pulled every trick in the book to end it, including building that wall (some 500 miles of it), virtually ending our disastrous ‘catch and release’ program (with Mexico’s help) and his substantial enhancement of the border patrol.”
Yet various Republicans, from Mitch McConnell to Nikki Haley, have disavowed him. They do this because they hope to curry favor with the Big Media and Big Tech. McConnell apparently wants to divert attention away from his alleged ties to China through his wife’s family shipping company, the Foremost Group.
Meanwhile, we have the spectacle of millions of people freezing in Red State Texas.
The prospect of Texas Republicans blaming frozen windmills for power blackouts is an excuse to mask managerial incompetence. Weren’t the Texas politicians supposed to be the models of Republican managerial excellence?
Our “conservative” media are also in a free fall. With Limbaugh out of the way, Fox News is under more pressure than ever before to water down its conservative content. They continue to employ Never-Trumper Karl Rove as a commentator. His latest column for the “conservative” Wall Street Journal defends Mitch McConnell against Trump’s “smears.”
With his wildly inaccurate programs on the “New Red Scare” and “McCarthyism,” Glenn Beck can’t be seen as someone who can fill Limbaugh’s void. Author J.C. Hawkins joined me on America’s Survival TV to discuss how the foolish use of the leftist term “McCarthyism” by conservatives like Glenn Beck and Republican politicians works against the conservative cause.
For my part, I will continue my group America’s Survival TV and support conservative pro-life businessman Mike Lindell. I bought one of his dog beds for my dog. She loves it. I also bought one of his famous pillows.
We deserve a good night’s sleep. Then we have to wake up.
Lindell is a man with tremendous courage. He does what many big-money conservatives never do. He put his money where his mouth is.
He financed the election fraud film “Absolute Proof.” Plus, he underwrote the movie, “Unplanned,” exposing the abortion industry. In addition to that, his book on overcoming addiction is something that ought to be in the hands of druggies and drunks around the world.
A college drop-out who made it big, by presenting conservatism in an entertaining manner, Rush Limbaugh died a very rich man, with a fortune in the neighborhood of $400 – $600 million and a $50 million Florida mansion. All of that has apparently been left to his fourth wife.
Former President Donald J. Trump is still said to be worth billions.
All of this seems like a good financial base, in addition to Mike Lindell’s valiant efforts, to rebuild the conservative movement.
Together, they can’t compete with the combined forces of Soros, Gates, and Zuckerberg. But it’s a start.
*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org