By: Cliff Kincaid
Like a conquering hero, President Trump left Walter Reed Medical Center (also known as Bethesda Naval Hospital) on October 5 and entered the White House in dramatic fashion. After recovering from what looked like a nasty cold or flu, the leader of the Free World decided he couldn’t stay in a hospital or a basement. The media wanted him dead. But for many Trump supporters, the circumstances surrounding the nature and timing of his infection remain a mystery. They are, however, grateful that Trump is back in the White House, ready to fight for his presidency.
One wonders if the president was anxious to leave the hospital where anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy checked in with a knee problem and checked out in a body bag. The McCarthy case is one of several mysterious deaths associated with Bethesda.
Or perhaps he was just anxious to get back into the political fight, not only against the Democrats but the Chinese Communists. “Make no mistake,” declared Senator Kelly Loeffler. “China is directly responsible for spreading this deadly virus to our President, First Lady, and countless other people here in America and around the globe.”
One sympathized with the president, in his apparent rush to escape Bethesda, as he was given experimental and potentially dangerous drugs by White House physician Dr. Sean Conley for what looked like cold and flu symptoms.
Conley, who previously served as an emergency doctor for the U.S. Navy, had previously supported Trump’s use of hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19. Then, all of a sudden, after Trump gets the disease, he said he and the president had “concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks.” This was a strange development.
Trump reportedly became symptomatic on Thursday, October 1. On Friday, October 2, he announced that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the Coronavirus. The CDC says, “Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. If you have fever, cough, or other symptoms, you might have COVID-19.” That means he could have gotten the virus on Tuesday, September 29, the day of the debate.
The China virus had reportedly affected him with a fever, mild cough, some nasal congestion, and fatigue. These are mostly symptoms of the common cold or flu. So why was he subjected to experimental drugs and procedures? And why was hydroxychloroquine taken off the table?
For the record, the CDC says symptoms of a cold usually peak within 2 to 3 days and can include sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, coughing, mucus dripping down your throat (post-nasal drip), watery eyes, and fever (although most people with colds do not have a fever). The flu can include some of these factors plus fatigue.
Based on his own experience with the disease, Trump issued a statement comparing coronavirus to the flu. That was significant. But Big Tech companies Twitter and Facebook immediately censored him.
As if we needed more evidence, it should be clear by now that Big Tech and certain political forces are determined to convince the public that COVID-19 is not a flu-like illness. Taking guidance from the World Health Organization, a Chinese puppet, they want people to be scared. By contrast, Trump wanted to reassure people that they can fight and beat the disease as he did.
At the same time, Dr. Conley does not inspire confidence. For example, on October 3, Conley was asked, “Is there any clarity on how he became infected?” Conley replied, “I’m not going to go into that. As far as his care, it’s irrelevant.” He was then asked when Trump was infected. He replied, “We’re not going to go into that.”
Does he know something he is not sharing? Why didn’t he just say “I don’t know.”
It may be the case that it is difficult at the present time to determine for sure how or when he was infected. On the other hand, it could be a national security matter that is under high-level investigation. In this case, one can understand why the president wants to project an image of strength. In fact, on October 6, Trump reported no symptoms.
The source of the infection is still a mystery. The media are trying to blame Trump personally or those around him. As a result, the White House has issued an “Update on the Health and Safety Precautions taken within the Executive Residence.” But questions persist surrounding the unidentified 11 people who tested positive in connection with preparations for the debate. Were these people in any U.S. Government agencies? Were they outside actors? Foreign agents?
What was also mystifying was why Conley was so evasive about Trump receiving oxygen. Here’s an edited partial transcript of remarks from October 3:
Question: And he has not received any supplemental oxygen?
Dr. Sean Conley: He’s not on oxygen right now. That’s right.
Question: He has not received any at all?
Dr. Sean Conley: He’s not needed any this morning today at all. That’s right. Now he’s…
Question: I’m going to try to pin you down one more time. I know you said there was no oxygen yesterday and today, does that mean he-
Dr. Sean Conley: Yeah, he’s not on oxygen today-
Question: But did he receive any on Thursday?
Dr. Sean Conley: And he’s… What’s today? Saturday?
Question: Today’s Saturday.
Dr. Sean Conley: No, no, Thursday…So Thursday, no oxygen. None at this moment. And yesterday, with the team a while, while we were all here, he was not on oxygen.
Why was he so evasive? Whatever the explanation, it’s not what we should expect from a doctor with supervision over the health and safety of the President of the United States. In this regard, there are matters of concern. In addition to getting a rather common steroid, Trump was given a so-called “investigational cocktail,” REGN-COV2, produced by Regeneron, which describes it as being studied for its “potential” to treat people with COVID-19 and to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. The company says, “REGN-COV2 is an investigational medicine, and its safety and efficacy have not been fully evaluated by any regulatory authority.”
Trump is also being subjected to a five-day course of the drug VEKLURY, also known as Remdesivir. It was given an emergency use authorization for COVID-19 in the United States. The manufacturer, Gilead, warns, “VEKLURY is an investigational drug that has not been approved by the FDA for any use. It is not yet known if VEKLURY is safe and effective for the treatment of COVID-19.” The company warns of possible “hypersensitivity reactions, including infusion-related and anaphylactic reactions…” Anaphylaxis is defined as a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction. People can go into shock as a result.
It appears the doctors were using experimental drugs on Trump as if he was in desperate physical condition. Yet he left Bethesda in a rush to get back to the White House and appeared to be in good health after quickly recovering from flu-like symptoms.
Whatever the impact of the drugs, he appears to be in good fighting shape, as he works to save his presidency from the Deep State.
- Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.