Day: October 4, 2020
Don’t Blame Trump: Wearing A Mask: My Body My Choice
By: Daniel John Sobieski Despite no study anywhere and ever, peer-reviewed, double-blind, or whatever has shown masks to be 100 percent effective in blocking the…
If a Messenger Angel appeared before You, and …
This is not my usual form of contribution to this site. Normally I opine and inform, sometimes at length. Here I will plead, in a…
Clare Lopez on American Truth Project Radio on Trump’s selection of Judge Amy Coney Barrett
By: Citizens Commission on National Security CCNS member Clare Lopez Spoke on American Truth Project radio with host Barry Nussbaum last Sunday 27 September about the…
Who Wants President Trump Dead?
By: Cliff Kincaid Cleveland Clinic, the sponsor of the presidential debate, admits that at least 11 positive coronavirus tests can be traced to members of…
Civilization(S) In Decline
By: Retired General Paul Vallely | CCNS History tells us that a civilization or an empire has six stages of evolution. Age of pioneers and/or explorers…
Is The COVID-19 Pandemic A Case Of Vaccine Research Gone Wrong?
By: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) | CCNS In an attempt to dominate global vaccine research and development, China may have hurriedly and recklessly applied genetic engineering…
Trump’s Life Still In Major Jeopardy
By: Cliff Kincaid The big “news” on Saturday was that President Trump is getting better since being diagnosed with a China virus infection. But his…
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