By: Cliff Kincaid
Conservative Christian broadcaster Brannon Howse told me this week that it doesn’t look like President Trump wants to win the presidential election. “He had better get his act together or else he’s going to lose to a guy that doesn’t even know who his own wife is,” he said. Howse and many other conservatives are frustrated by the (lack of) response of the Trump-Pence Administration to the riots.
Other than clear some protesters and rioters out of Lafayette Park across from the White House, in order to hold up a Bible in front of a burned-out church, Trump has done almost nothing except make threats. He Tweets about restoring law and order but does nothing except protect the White House.
His Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray were blindsided by what is happening. It’s clear they don’t have any clue about the Maoist-style communist revolution underway in America. As a result, Trump is quickly losing support from the conservative side of the political spectrum. One citizen wrote to me through my website America’s Survival saying, “Unfortunately, our fearless leader, Trump, is not fearless and is not a leader. Basically, he’s useless.” Another said the president and Barr were acting like Abbott and Costello, the comedy duo.
But America isn’t laughing, as their lives and businesses and country are increasingly at risk.
Meanwhile, the Maoist-style cultural revolution is going full speed ahead, as one professor has been suspended for not giving black students a day off from final exams in honor of Black Lives Matter, the Marxist group that honors cop-killer Joanne Chesimard.
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, a conservative critic of Black Lives Matter and Trump’s response to the revolution, is under attack by Maoists pressuring his advertisers to drop his show one by one. Before too long, he will be off the air, in the same way that “Gone with the Wind” has been dropped by HBO and the shows “Cops” and “Live PD” have been rejected by cable channels and networks.
Anybody who thinks independently of the Maoist mob is being targeted.
The New York Times, sounding like a modern-day version of the People’s World, calls all of this “the growing movement for change.” Change came to the Times when an editor resigned after he approved a Senator Tom Cotton op-ed for the paper calling for the deployment of troops to restore order.
No dissident voices are permitted in the paper, or society at large, as the Maoists assert control over all sectors of American life.
Millions of people depending on Trump’s Twitter feed for the blunt truth are now getting a lot of empty threats.
As this column is being written, Trump has sent out another “Law and Order” Tweet demanding that the authorities in Washington State and the city of Seattle restore law and order. In defiance, they told him to return to his White House bunker. Trump looks weak.
Trump threatened to restore law and order through the Insurrection Act and when his own Secretary of Defense Mark Esper undercut him, he backed off. Who is in charge anyway? Now, Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark A. Milley has in effect denounced Trump for including him in that photo-op in front of the church. Why does Milley still have a job? This seems like a “Seven Days in May” scenario where the top brass revolt against their Commander-in-Chief.
In the movie, the president wins. In real life, who knows?
The Trump 2020 campaign has just sent out an email message from the president personally asking for money that declares, “It’s past time for Democrat Mayors and Governors to get tough. Violent thugs are running rampant – these people are ANARCHISTS. While the Fake News has been inciting hatred and chaos, President Trump is working around the clock to restore LAW AND ORDER in these communities where liberal leadership has FAILED.”
The words “law and order” were placed in all capitals and underlined. But it’s all talk.
It’s absolutely clear that Trump is NOT working around the clock to restore law and order. If so, he would have fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper for insubordination by now. He would have explained to the American people why Attorney General Barr and FBI director Wray were caught unprepared for the riots in Minneapolis and other cities. My friend Trevor Loudon has all the information they don’t have about the communists running this revolution. His article at Epoch Times even documents the involvement of pro-China communist groups.
The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) has posted a video of its leader Eugene Puryear addressing the 100,000 strong crowd in Philadelphia on Saturday, June 6. “This isn’t a riot,” he said. “It’s an uprising! It’s a rebellion! And successful uprisings and rebellions become REVOLUTIONS.”
Mr. President, please share that video with Mr. Barr and Mr. Wray, will you?
On the Brannon Howse program, I not only questioned Trump’s “leadership” but the tendency by conservatives like Rush Limbaugh to play into the hands of the radicals. He had the black radio host “Charlamagne Tha God” on his show to talk about “white privilege.” Another Brannon Howse guest, Alex Newman, went into detail about where this is all heading – federal and even United Nations control of police forces once considered under the jurisdiction of local communities. Senate Republicans seem to be going along with this.
I thank Brannon Howse for doing the programs that need to be done about this unfolding disaster for our country. He’s one of the few commentators honest enough to provide the details that are being withheld from the president by his closest aides. As the author of Marxianity, about left-wing infiltration of the churches, he shows real courage.
Tragically, many conservatives remain mum about Trump’s bluster and ineffective response. They suppress conservative views out-of-sync with their own pro-Trump editorializing. But ordinary people with common sense don’t buy it. They will not excuse Trump for failing to take military action to protect people, their lives, and homes.
I saw one story about whether Trump would benefit from the riots. Is this the political calculation in the White House? I’m told he thinks his political rallies will turn things around. It’s true that a backlash is underway. But waiting for a backlash doesn’t justify inaction by federal authorities as lives are lost and property is destroyed.
*Cliff Kincaid is president of Americas Survival, Inc.
They’re vicious Communists and terrorists on the streets in the middle of a violent insurrection and Trump has done nothing…Pardon me, I forgot…he signed some order today, ‘no knee to throat’ procedures anymore. Great, I couldve had a V8.
At least ppl can admit that the ONLY reason theyre voting Trump is to keep CommieCrats out.
At least be honest with yourselves.
He’s allowed statues and memorials to be violently thrown down. Every major city in the united states has suffered at the hands of these radicals.
Tweedle Trump and Tweedle Barr…. playing 3D chess.
And, bridges in Brooklyn are for sale.
Opinions are like as_holes…everybody’s got one ! All this article is about is speculation.
“Opinions are like as_holes…everybody’s got one! All this article is about is speculation.”
These “opinions” are more than conjecture, they represent the reality of Carl Rove
@David Emery:
If only I could agree, but the action (inactions) on his part seems to show something else is going on.
Ever since the “medical experts” have taken over he has become what looks likes a totally beaten man. Have or has something personal been done (or said) by the Deep State that affects him personally?
If they have as much power as it seems, they may have started to make their first moves. Somebody that has been planning things and something for over 100 years is also strong (and smart) enough to do whatever it damn well pleases.
After all, there are tens of thousands of plastic coffins/coffin liners and 35 thousand guillotines and thousands of gallons of cyanide along with gas ovens (a la Nazi death camps) also stored around the country.
He also turned over to the UN a signed paper that in effect gives us, the people, to the UN.
I believe that nobody was as surprised as he was to have won in ’16.
His incompetence in judging people for his staff was and still is appalling. Even a lowly non-political person as I knew enough to clean house of all of Obumbos’ staff and underlings when taking over.
In all honestly, I am very afraid of our future as the left is following the Communist Manifesto to the letter. They took exactly the same direction in Russia and China.
The big question is how will they handle splitting up the country and which group will become their new useful idiots?
@David Emery:
If only I could agree, but the action (inactions) on his part seems to show something else is going on.
Ever since the “medical experts” have taken over he has become what looks likes a totally beaten man. Have or has something personal been done (or said) by the Deep State that affects him personally?
If they have as much power as it seems, they may have started to make their first moves. Somebody that has been planning things and something for over 100 years is also strong (and smart) enough to do whatever it damn well pleases.
After all, there are tens of thousands of plastic coffins/coffin liners and 35 thousand guillotines and thousands of gallons of cyanide along with gas ovens (a la Nazi death camps) also stored around the country.
He also turned over to the UN a signed paper that in effect gives us, the people, to the UN.
I believe that nobody was as surprised as he was to have won in ’16.
His incompetence in judging people for his staff was and still is appalling. Even a lowly non-political person as I knew enough to clean house of all of Obumbos’ staff and underlings when taking over.
In all honestly, I am very afraid of our future as the left is following the Communist Manifesto to the letter. They took exactly the same direction in Russia and China.
The big question is how will they handle splitting up the country and which group will become the new useful idiots?
“Christian conservatives” would turn away from Trump and vote for pro-abortion Biden? I don’t think so. Would they do what they did in 2016 and just not vote? Probably. But most will probably not vote either way. While the evangelical bloc is large, it does not vote in large numbers and oddly has leaned Democrat — which is strange considering the issue of religious liberty and preborn life.
The left wants the photo op of Trump overriding state and local governments to brand him a “tyrant”. Besides, these problems are in Democrat towns with Democrat mayors and Democrat voters. They are not “Christian conservatives”. Let them stew in their utopias.
I disagree 100% with this article. The globalist – communist left, the worlds media and the Democratic National committee are dying for Trump to send in the troops. They will then blame him for the inevitable deaths of the armed protestors in Seattle and likely elsewhere. Trump is not falling for it.
The democrats have split into two groups who are fighting each other. On the one side are the typical useless, corrupt democrats and on the other are the communist like AOL and her muslim lady friends etc. Meanwhile over 300,000 people have applied for tickets for Trump’s upcoming rally.
It is far better for the American people to see what the democratic governors and mayors are doing by allowing their cities to be overrun, looted and burned out. The cold anger most Americans feel is going to come down hard on the democrats in November. It is better to watch the left tear itself apart.
Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself. Napoleon Bonaparte.
David Emery, You nailed it. These are Democrat towns, cities and States. The population chose these worthless leaders and are now showing their true colors to their people. Trump is letting the whole world see just how evil and destructive the Dems can be. Daddy Trump’s job is not to rescue people who are totally stupid. He wants the people of these States to WAKE UP and deal with the aftermath of the policies and people they voted in. Tough love. I, for one, morn the loss of earnest labor of businesses, loss of property in these little ‘commie’ sites, but Karma is a bitch. The people get a belly full and they will take control, if not, so be it. Trump can fix it, but it really is not his job to do so. Apathetic sheeple deserve what they get til they learn to take a stand. They are not the stuff that an American is made of.
“As a result, Trump is quickly losing support from the conservative side of the political spectrum. ” excuse me, but is there any one else considering to run that will oppose this marxist agenda? the answer is no so we have no choice but to continue to encourage this man by praying for him and leave encouraging messages at the White House to keep him on track and doing the right thing. this is not time to give in but we need to hold his feet to the fire…if Trump looses this office, America will fall to full on marxist revolution.
Trump looks like an ass & is betrayed by his military staff. There was 58% public support for use of troops & probably still is. Stock market is down – its all a cluster fuck now.
Because this all gets a lot worse & if Biden wins its all over for USA. Will Trump win the election? How the hell can he?
China has covertly attacked with a bioweapon. US response = zero.
Domestic communist insurrection is underway. US response = zero.