Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D): Abortion Is Life-Sustaining! As We All Endure Covid-19

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, photo thanks to John Gabriel, whose article, “MI Governor Loses ‘Consent of the Governed’” is recommended, for further reading. And for extra credit, a reply to Gabriel’s tweet on the subject cites a peculiar analog to the governor’s brown attire.

By: Arlen Williams | Gulag Bound

During this pandemic, the Good Lord is revealing numerous kinds of despots, involved in numerous kinds of corruption. Some go further, to advertise on their own.

Many of them collaborate, mapping out plans to fulfill perverse goals and objectives in closed-door, or especially now, in VPN meetings definitively conspiratorial. And others are attempting to be their own special kinds of reprobate.

As the Daily Caller relates, apparently, Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan (Democrat of course) thinks that somehow, a “family” distinctly belongs to a “woman” (she avoids the term, mother). But beyond that, she also maintains that a mother’s killing of her baby, so tenderly and dependently consigned to the soft, nurturing walls of her very own womb, is a “life-sustaining” act.

Yeah. Whitmer teaches us just how abortion must be a government-approved “essential service,” in our times of social distancing.

“‘A woman’s healthcare, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family is not an election, it is fundamental to her life,’ Whitmer said. ‘It is life-sustaining and it’s something that the government should not be getting in the middle of.'”

Add that to the famous maxims of George Orwell’s 1984, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” And hey, murdering your child is life-sustaining, girl.

As you may know, this is not the only dictum lately coming up from Hell, out of left-field, and through the mouth, or pen of this pol which has many Michiganders very concerned. But I wanted you to know about this one gem of defilement. Just imagine we could smell such utterances, or see the whispering demons. How many pregnant mothers are now inspired? How many abortionists sustained in these times hard pressing?

May God have special plans for my erstwhile state of Michigan.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: Abortion During Coronavirus ‘Is Life Sustaining’

The governor of Michigan said Thursday that abortion is “life-sustaining.” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, discussed abortion in times of the coronavirus pandemic during David Axelrod’s Axe Files podcast posted Thursday.

So you have it, the aforementioned article’s tweet and reply:


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1 thought on “Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D): Abortion Is Life-Sustaining! As We All Endure Covid-19

  1. I bet those babies wouldn’t call it “life sustaining”! What if this DEMONocrat’s mother had an abortion on her???

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