By: Christine Douglass-Williams | Jihad Watch
It is no secret that Saudi Arabia has been funding the spread of Wahhabi ideology in mosques throughout the West. Just under four decades ago, “there were only a 150 or so [mosques] in America. Now there are approximately 3000.” Behind the walls of these mosques, jihad is being taught, as well as Islamic supremacism, and hatred and violence against Christians and Jews. Several studies have shown that such preaching is not an exception; at least 80% of mosques across the U.S. are spreading jihadist ideology.
Last July, Jihad Watch reported that the Turkish government was also using a network of US mosques and Islamic centers to spread “Islamist-nationalistic fervor.”
The New York Post has also reported about Islamic supremacist imams spreading their anti-Semitism from mosques in the US with impunity. This includes threatening the lives of Jews and inciting violence against them.
This alarming news should be enough to institute a government policy of mosque surveillance. Instead, a range of Islamic lobbies, most notably, Hamas-linked CAIR, push the “Islamophobia” subterfuge that stymies effective counter-jihad efforts. So independent investigations and studies continue to be the sole source of research on what is taught in mosques.
One such study is featured in a report which includes the sworn affidavit of a retired U.S. federal agent, counter-terrorism expert and Arabic linguist, Dave Gaubatz, author of the book Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America.
Gaubatz wrote this report for The United West after he embarked on a research project between June 26-30 to investigate what was happening inside the Islamic Center of Savannah, Georgia; the Statesboro Georgia Mosque, and Masjid-Jihad, Savannah, Georgia. Gaubatz is no novice at mosque investigations. He “has gone into 300+ mosques across America and over 150 internationally.” His most recent findings can be found in his July 8 sworn affidavit HERE, with special thanks to Mary Wierbicki, Social Media Director with The United West and Co-Founder of Sharia Crime Stoppers, who brought this affidavit to the attention of Jihad Watch.
“Georgia: Exposing The Ugly Truth Happening Inside Mosques,” by Mary Wierbicki, The United West, July 11, 2019:
Sun Tzu states, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
Taking Sun Tzu’s words to heart, a research project was launched to learn what was happening in my community. A good friend, Dave Gaubatz, who has gone into 300+ mosques across America and over 150 internationally came into town to investigate and report on what he observed from within a couple of mosques in the area. His research is very detailed, with a defined pattern of analysis as shown in the report below.
Dave is a great American, standing up for God, Country, and the U.S. Constitution, against an evil ideology, all-encompassing system called Islamic Sharia!
What he found was not surprising, but it was hoped it wasn’t as bad as his report shows. Please read and share this report across your community and send Dave a request to investigate your mosque by emailing him here: [NOTE: The report below was notarized for legal validation and sworn by Dave Gaubatz for accuracy in reporting]
Report is shown below & in PDF form here:
To learn more, Dave was a guest on Sharia Crime Stoppers, Enemies Within the Community webinar and shared much of what he learned from this investigation and discussed many of his experiences in other mosques across America. The webinar included myself, Dick Manasseri, and David Bores, all Co-Founders of Sharia Crime Stoppers. David Bores is a retired Police Chief and retired Lt. Col in the Army who now trains Law Enforcement across the southeast on the threats of Sharia.
You can find the recorded webinar on the Sharia Crime Stoppers page and here.
Sworn Affidavit
Dave Gaubatz, USAF (retired), U.S. Federal Agent (retired),
and American Patriot (active)
8 July 2019
NOTE: When I conduct counter-terrorism research in America it is my objective to expose Islam when Islam requires exposing, which is 24/7. Anything I do or any materials I uncover are for public release. It is my policy to provide the public my raw intelligence first before providing to all others. Only the American public can protect America. It is the responsibility of the public to ensure politicians and our senior law enforcement do the job which they have sworn an oath to do, which is protect America and most importantly protect our children. The public must also demand our media report the news based on facts and evidence and not their personal political agendas as is now the case by far in America.
Note: The following 20 points are for credibility purposes to validate the counter-terrorism research I conducted in the Statesboro and Savannah Georgia region during the period 26 – 30 June 2019……………
(copyright 2019 by Dave Gaubatz) Dave Gaubatz encourages all to use the ITAC system as a tool and to share with others, but be professional and give credit to Dave Gaubatz for the development of this counter-terrorism tool.
Islamic Center of Savannah, Georgia
A: Mosque location (neighborhood, strip mall, typical identifiable mosque structure, or Islamic Center) Keep in mind a mosque is defined as a place for Muslims to gather for prayer and strategic planning. The place can be in the basement of a house, a garage, a room in a university, a small building structure or a megastructure) The IC of Savannah is an Islamic Center which is typical for a Sunni mosque. The term Islamic Center is not typical for identifying Shia mosques. They do not use this term.
B: Number of members: 350 plus
C: Sunni/Shia/Sufi: This is a Sunni Wahhabi/Salafist mosque that primarily use the Hanbali Islamic school of thought. There are four Sunni schools of thought. 1. Hanafi 2. Maliki 3. Shafi’I 4. Hanbali. Most counter-terrorism professionals agree the Hanbali school of thought is the most dangerous. ISIS, Al Qaeda and other Sunni terrorist organizations follow the Hanbali school of thought.
D: Material in mosque (such as Fiqh Us Sunnah, Riyadh Ul Salheen, Sahih Muslim, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Sahih Bukkari, Reliance of the Traveler, Maududi or Qutb material, etc…) Fiqh US Sunnah, Riyadh Ul Salheen, Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukkari were located in the prayer room available to all worshippers. These manuals describe in detail for Muslims to carry out physical (fighting) Jihad, Child marriages (authorized), Slavery (authorized), the beating of women (authorized), killing of non-Muslims and even Muslims who are not Sharia-compliant, informing Muslims to never take as friends Christians and Jews, killing of Apostates of Islam (authorized anywhere in the world), and the describing the objective of Islam which is to establish an Islamic Ummah (nation) worldwide and under Sharia law. The objective can and must be established by warfare as needed. Many other violent topics are discussed in the manuals. Much of the material in the mosques is in Arabic. For those Muslims who do not read Arabic, they are encouraged to go online and read the materials in English which are readily available.
E: Conversations with worshippers: Dave Gaubatz spoke with Islamic leaders and worshippers. Sunni/Salafist is the predominant ideology of this mosque that the Imam tries to instill. Copies of the Quran and two Islamic books were provided to Dave Gaubatz. Halaco Market in Fairfax, VA, was mentioned as a source for Sunni /Salafist/Wahhabi material. I have personally visited this Islamic market/bookstore on at least 25 occasions. Very violent and dangerous materials are at this business.
F: Sharia decorum in mosques (example: prayer rug/carpet) No Black Flag of jihad was observed. The prayer rug did have the required lines on the rug for the ‘forming of the lines’. The Wudu (cleansing of the body) was in the mosque. The women were in a separate side away from the men. There was a throne type seat in the front area of the prayer room.
G: Any affiliation with CAIR, IIIT, MSA, ISNA, etc. Brochures from IIIT and CAIR were observed. CAIR does have an affiliation with this mosque.
H: Sharia compliance of Islamic leaders: The Imam and Islamic leaders Dave G. observed were Sharia-compliant.
I: How are women/children treated: The women are not allowed contact with the men. They are completely isolated from the men. Children were observed in the men’s and women’s side of the prayer room.
J: Mosque etiquette (forming of line during prayer, selling of material in mosque, etc..). The Imam paid close attention to the forming of the line before the prayer. It is against Sharia law to openly sell materials in a mosque prayer room. No sales were observed.
K: Imam lecture (mention of Sharia, Jihad Qital, Punishment in the grave, Fiqh, etc…) Sharia compliance was mentioned throughout the lecture. Punishment in the Grave was also mentioned several times.
L: Invited guests (out of town Islamic leaders, CAIR, etc.) There was an Islamic leader from Chicago who was invited by the Imam to speak. He was raising money for an Islamic school based in Chicago to prepare students to be Islamic scholars in America. He stated thus far the program has graduated 50 students. The program is for a period of 6 years.
M: Sharia compliance of non-Islamic leaders: Many of the worshippers were not Sharia-compliant in their dress but were complaint enough to be in the mosque. 20 plus men were 100% compliant and these are the ones likely to be involved in future violence toward innocent people and/or involved in acts of terrorism against our country.
N: Business cards shared (internet sites, businesses, emails, etc…) Business cards were provided to Dave Gaubatz. These can be used for future coordination/operations if deemed feasible.
O: Confirmed Islamic terrorists have/had not visited mosque: No known terrorist information has been made public pertaining to any visiting the Savannah mosque, but Muslims traveling from one mosque to another is quite common.
P: Active duty military at mosque: One U.S. marine and One U.S. Army member attended the mosque (males).
Q: U.S. Govt. Civilians and/or politicians at mosque: U.S. government stickers (passes) were observed on a few vehicles in the mosque parking lot.
R: Local, State, Federal Law Enforcement presence: Local city police officer conducting security.
S: Is local govt. liberal or conservative: Savannah govt. is predominately liberal
T: Are U.S. military bases within 50 miles: there are U.S. military installations within 50 miles of the mosque.
U: Are Islamic businesses within 15 miles: Yes, an Islamic market and various small businesses (some medical)
V: Is state liberal or conservative: Georgia is a conservative state, but liberalism is increasing especially in the larger cities.
W: Local media liberal or conservative: Media in local area is considered liberal.
X: Interfaith programs: There is public information the mosque leadership is involved in interfaith activity with Christian and Jewish people/leaders.
Y: How does mosque compare to mosques in U.S. with confirmed terrorist ties such as Dar Al Hijra mosque in Fairfax, VA): Dave Gaubatz and his team of CT researchers have spent in excess of two weeks at Dar Al Hijra mosque in Virginia. 911 terrorists had visited the mosque. The IC of Savannah is on the same scale as Dar Al Hijrah. This would be a mosque that Islamic terrorists and their supporters who are traveling would feel comfortable attending. They would be welcome at this mosque. The Imam is Pakistani and is working to ensure all aspects of Sharia are observed.
Z: GUT feeling of qualified researcher (Very Important) This area is rated very high. An explanation and analogy is required. Every human and animal have internal systems fight or flight sensors that alert them to potential dangers. This is how we survive. Over years and years of life experiences, our minds are able to fine-tune this protective system. Police officers use this safety mechanism each and every day to evaluate hundreds of potential danger signals in order to know how to respond in order to save their lives and the lives of innocent people. In a shoot or don’t shoot situation officers sometimes have a few seconds or less to evaluate situations to best respond. This is when their life experiences kick in and numerous things race through their mind when they are deciding to shoot (kill) or not shoot (not kill).
When evaluating the potential danger of an Islamic mosque Dave Gaubatz does the same thing as one of the 26 indicators to determine danger. He bases over 35 years of traveling and working in Islamic based countries, visiting hundreds upon hundreds of mosques, interacting with good and bad people of the Islamic ideology, interviewing dozens of confirmed Muslim terrorists, their supporters, and reviewing thousands upon thousands of pages of their books and manuals, and in operating in dangers gang-infested areas within America and in combat zones in Iraq. Based on these experiences within a matter of minutes or less he is able to kick in his survival skills upon entering a mosque. His experiences have led him to accurately analyze and reason that all mosques are homes to potential danger but at varying degrees. When he worked gangs and narcotics in numerous major American cities there was little doubt a gang-infested neighborhood posed likely dangers, again there were various levels of dangers based on other aspects of his experiences. The same is true using the ITAC system. A GUT feeling combined with 25 other important factors triggers an evaluation for danger.
Evaluation Rating: Dangerous, Very Dangerous, or Extremely Dangerous
Final Evaluation of Statesboro, Georgia Mosque: Dangerous, but final evaluation pending.
Final Evaluation of Masjid Jihad, Savannah, Georgia: Dangerous, but final evaluation pending
Final Evaluation of the Islamic Center of Savannah, Georgia: Extremely Dangerous (on a scale of 1-10 this mosque would be rated 9)
- Imam is Pakistani
- Sunni with a strong form of Salafist/Wahhabi influence
Analysis: It is the determination of Dave Gaubatz that the IC of Savannah is the home for Islamic terrorists and their supporters and is used as a training base and regional HQ for developing the strategy for meeting the well-established and very open goal of forming an Islamic caliphate in America (and world) and under strict Sharia law. The Islamic leaders will use two forms of Jihad defined as the ‘pen and tongue’ before they will use the violent form of the ‘sword’. The pen form of Jihad is the writings of Muslims to alter non-Muslims into accepting and believing Islam is a religion, is peaceful, and is the solution to all of the world’s problems. This form of Jihad also includes the use of the media. The tongue form of Jihad is, of course, verbal communication through Interfaith programs, open mosques for non-Muslims, and most dangerously the infiltration of the Islamic ideology into our public schools to brainwash American children into accepting Islam as the answer to all personal and worldly problems. It is the belief of Islamic scholars that American children are the future of America and the majority of their Dawa (education and spread of Islam) is directed toward them. Islamic terrorist groups have literature sent to American schools and libraries which are very colorful to influence their young minds.
The last form of Jihad is the use of the sword which is Jihad Qital (physical). Islamic leaders have informed Dave Gaubatz during his various undercover operations that right now in America they (Islam and its leaders) are winning and their strategy of an Islamic caliphate in America is on pace to succeed with limited violence.
One Imam informed Gaubatz, “there has not been another 911 such attack in America because Islam is winning and at this point, another large scale attack would set their movement back 25 years. When a large scale attack is required to further subdue Americans it will then be carried out. The plans are already in place. The Islamic leaders know there will be small scale terrorist attacks such as with Fort Hood, Texas, the Boston Bombings and others that will put fear into the hearts of the American people and its government. Islamic leaders realize the liberal leaders and politicians will label these attacks as ‘Lone Wolf” attacks and disassociate them from mainstream Islam”.
It is important for readers to understand that there is no such thing as a ‘Lone Wolf’ terrorist attack. Muslim terrorists who conduct small scale attacks are doing so in the name of Islam, Allah, and to please their Prophet Mohammed. The attacks are carried out because their Islamic training has taught them the sure way to reach Allah and Paradise is to fight for the goal of an Islamic caliphate. Jihad Qital is one such way to achieve this goal.
RECOMMENDATION: Provide this report to the public in a mass distribution campaign. Then and only then will America’s senior law enforcement and politicians do the job they have sworn an oath to do (protect America and our children). Do not be fearful of personal attacks or frivolous lawsuits or the name-calling (Islamaphobe, haters, racists) that will without a doubt come about. The protection of America, our Constitution, and our children should and must be the ultimate goal of all Americans.
“Our American military and law enforcement officers have died by the thousands to protect our Country, Constitution, and Children (3 C’s). They do not run from the enemy and American citizens must never run from the enemy, especially inside our great country. To do so will result in an automatic defeat”. Dave Gaubatz