By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | NoisyRoom.net
The time for Garry’s first surgery is now upon us. He will go in at 6 am tomorrow for a colostomy. The surgery should take three or four hours and he will be in the hospital for three to four days. Dr. Wilson is one of the best out there at this kind of surgery and he will operate on Garry first thing tomorrow.
Garry’s red and white blood cell counts are now normal. He has lost more than 70 pounds. His color is good, so is his appetite. His attitude is very good although he’s apprehensive about tomorrow. So am I but I know he will come through this just fine.
Since this was scheduled, a few things have come to light. First off, since the chemo was stopped, Garry has steadily improved. There is still tremendous pain in the bathroom but otherwise, the pain falls off quickly. He has also healed some.
The radiologist is now saying there may not be a CyberKnife surgery on his lung for the tumor. There is an excellent chance the chemo will have taken care of it but they won’t know until another scan is done after the final three chemo treatments. Those treatments will start on July 15th and there will be one every two weeks for six weeks. After that (and if the lung tumor is gone), there will be one final surgery to remove the rectal tumor and seal off below. Surprisingly, the radiologist is now saying the original PET scan was not definitive on the lung tumor. I’m confused but relieved.
We now estimate that we will move back to Nevada in September or October barring any other problems. My wound is now officially healed after six long months, so I am good to go. Our oldest daughter and son-in-law will help us move back.
If you want to help Garry out, one of our daughters put up a GoFundMe page and we have already met our goal – she increased it by two grand to help with final medical expenses and moving. You can donate here. You can also donate on PayPal. My email there is terresa@tmonroe.com or you can use the link on the upper right side of NoisyRoom.net to get there. If you would like to donate some other way, email me at terresa@noisyroom.net and I’ll send you instructions.
Prayers are always appreciated and please pass this along to others on social media. As you know, I was banned on Facebook for being the editor of Right Wing News so I can’t post this there. It would be greatly appreciated. I want to personally thank all those who have given and prayed for us. It means more than all of you know. You were all there for us in our hour of need and I don’t know how to thank all of you.
Garry is going to beat this. He will survive cancer and go on to live many more years by my side. My prayers are being answered and I feel blessed over all of this. Say a special prayer that the surgery goes easy and well tomorrow for Garry – I will be by his side as always.
UPDATE: Garry came through the surgery just fine and is recovering in the hospital. Should be home in a couple of days.