SCS Action Line: Rich Higgins & Billy Vaughn
The Enemies Within the D.C. Swamp
Listen and Decide! Are We Engaged in World War III?
Billy and Rich expose the globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans whose mission is to destroy President Trump and the movement that elected him.
“Do we continue to exist as a Republic under the Constitution? That’s how important this is. If we move past this with no prosecutions and nobody going to prison for this, I think we have officially, then, entered the post-Constitutional era and I don’t know if we’ll ever recover it.” [RH]
“History will understand that the Republican Party served as the defeat mechanism of the American experiment in that they got elected on issues that they never intended to address.” [RH]
Is it time for faithful Americans to separate from
Leftist Churches and Globalist Political Parties To
Make Sure “America” Exists?