Claire Tran
Claire Tran serves on the National Executive Committee of America’s largest pro-China communist party Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
She is a playwright, songwriter, poet, actress, and former youth organizer in the Bay Area and is now a member of Asians for Black Lives, LeftRootsand Wisconsin Peace & Justice Network in Madison, Wisconsin.
Claire Tran has served in several Freedom Road front organizations including Right to the City and the Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence,New Virginia Majority, and the The Left Strategies Collective.
The Second National Congress of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA), was convened December 2–3, 2008 in Hanoi: The Congress gathered 399 delegates, including Mr. Le Kha Phieu, Mme. Nguyen Thi Binh, Mr. Nguyen Thien Nhan, Mr. Huynh Dam, Mr. Nguyen Khoi Nguyen, and Lt. General Le Van Huan. Besides delegations from France and South Korea, the U.S. delegation representing VAORRC includes Paul Cox, Claire Tran & Jonathan Moore. Heading the delegation was Paul Cox of Veterans for Peace.
In 2012, Claire Tran served on the Board of the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaignwhich worked with several Democratic Congressmembers including John Conyers of Michigan and former Senator Al Franken of Minnesota to try to get US reparations for Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange poisoning – despite the fact the communists started the war by invading South Vietnam.
In March 2016, Freedom Road Socialist Organization front Showing Up for Racial Justice Wisconsinincluding Claire Tran occupied a Holiday Inn that hosted Donald Trump in Janesville, Wisconsin. (Claire Tran|more…)