As socialist revolutionaries march through Europe, Kremlin propaganda station Russia Today, stirs the pot.
The Enemies Within
As socialist revolutionaries march through Europe, Kremlin propaganda station Russia Today, stirs the pot.
Copyright © 2025 Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog
The EU bailout is just one of many, where government is right smack in the way, making decison for the people on “how” they will live, “where” they will go to school, “what” they study, etc., etc., and President Obama wants the same for the Untied States.
I DOES NOT WORK! But it isn’t about what works! It is about greed, power and corruption, that works for the Elite’s of any country.
What happens after every country is on the dole? Who’s money will be targeted then? Oh, I know…Social Security, 401’s IRA’s, personal bank accounts,personal property and the list goes on and on until society explodes.
Just look at Cuba as an example to what happened to there…