Rick Nagin is a prominent Ohio activist and member of the Communist Party USA. Nagin is an Ohio correspondent for the Peoples World and has written for the paper since 1970.
Nagin is a member of the Newspaper Guild, Communications Workers of America, and he is a delegate to the North Shore AFL-CIO and serves on its political coordinator’s committee. He also represents the Peoples World on the steering committee of Cleveland Jobs with Justice.
He is one of the most prominent Communist Party USA members operating inside the Democratic Party. He has helped elect multiple far-left Democrats and communist sympathizers into public office.
In 2012, Rick Nagin was the Democratic Leader in Cleveland Ward 14 and served on the County Democratic Party Executive Committee.
In 2014, he still served as the Democratic Leader in Cleveland Ward 14 and served on the Cuyahoga County Democratic PartyExecutive Committee.
Noticing a large influx of Puerto Ricans in his West Side Cleveland neighborhood, Nagin organized a voter registration drive for Hispanics. In 1989, he launched the first of three failed bids for the Ward 14 council seat. Eight years later, Nelson Cintron became the city’s first Hispanic councilman and chose Nagin, one of his opponents, to be his City Hall aide.
Nagin temporarily resigned as head of the Ohio Communist Party to take the council job. He served as Cintron’s go-to guy for seven years before being fired because he had begun to assemble a campaign to seek the Ward 15 council seat without the blessing of council leaders.
Rick Nagin speaks Spanish and has traveled in Puerto Rico and Latin America. He has worked closely with Hispanic social clubs and agencies and the NAACP Voter Fund. He also helped found the Cleveland chapter of the pro-communist Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, which is affiliated with the AFL-CIO.
In 2006, Rick Nagin served on the staff of the AFL-CIO Labor 2006 campaign for Sherrod Brown and Ted Strickland.
Rick Nagin has been a key organizer for Dennis Kucinich’s campaigns for Congress and President and for the 2004 John Kerry presidential campaign.
Rick Nagin was Labor Coordinator for Dennis Kucinich‘s 2008 Presidential primary campaign.
Dennis Kucinich endorsed Rick Nagin in his 2009 City Council race.
I’ve known Rick Nagin for more than 30 years. He’s honest, hard-working and conscientious. The people of Ward 14 have a chance to elect a Councilman who will be totally dedicated to them. What more can you ask for?I’m proud to join with the AFL-CIO in supporting Rick NaginDennis Kucinich, Congressman, 10th District
Rick Nagin was a fulltime volunteer in the AFL-CIO Labor 2008 campaign for Barack Obama.
During Nagin’s 2009 run for a seat on the Cleveland City Council, his Communist Party USA membership again became an issue.
A former chairman of the state Communist Party has come closer than ever to taking a city council seat after years of trying for public office.Registered Democrat Rick Nagin finished a strong second in this month’s primary race in Council Ward 14. He faces a Nov. 3 nonpartisan general election runoff against the top vote-getter, Brian Cummins.Nagin, 68, failed in three previous bids for a council seat. He resists being labeled a communist, saying Monday the word was demonized by 60 years of Cold War propaganda designed to prepare people for war and intimidate those with liberal ideas.He said the Communist Party USA has an honorable and distinguished history of working for economic, civil and democratic rights.
Nagin was unsuccessful, but received 45 percent of the vote.
In 2017 Cleveland City Councilman Brian Cummins faced a spirited challenge from Jasmin Santana, a longtime ward resident who has been endorsed by the ward’s Democratic club and its influential leader, Rick Nagin, who finished second to Cummins in the 2009 election. Nagin played a major role in her election.
Wrote leading Connecticut communist Joelle Fishman in a February 1 2018 article on the Communist Party USA website “Building the party at the grassroots and winning elections:”
We will hear from Cleveland, Ohio about a big victory electing the first Latina to city council and how the (Communist Party’s} West Side Club has been at the center of that campaign and successfully took on red baiting in that key election.
(Rick Nagin|more…)
I was once a member of the CWA. They were a gung-ho organization for the Democrats back then. I never supported their liberal leanings. Now I see that the organization has gone communist. They used my union dues against my political wishes but I always ignored their message. Seems that maybe some 60% of the voting public supports socialism & or communism. We may well be 773H bent on becoming a communist country but I will never be a commie. I fear for my daughters and grand kids future. The one thing a person can do is leave and try to find a less suicidal place to live as this plays out.
It seems to have happened so quickly, but I’ve only been uninformed and lied to by the media. I also fear for my daughter and my grandchildren’s future, especially for one who will attend college next year. She’s extremely intelligent but I’m still concerned about the tactics on college campuses.