By: Lloyd Marcus
Like many of my fellow Americans, I wept for Brett Kavanaugh watching him deliver his powerful, heartfelt and fact-filled opening statement at the hearing. Witnessing the evil Democratic smear machine’s destruction of this great man’s character and life was heartbreaking.
Reasonable Americans must conclude that the 36-year-old, evidence-less, sexual assault allegations against him are false. Making the point that the smear of Kavanaugh is gutter politics at its unprecedented lowest, Newt Gingrich said even the 10 Democrats at the hearing know the sexual assault allegations are false.
Decent people saw and felt the pain and suffering cruelly inflicted upon Judge Kavanaugh, his wife and children by Democrats’ outrageous lies to block his confirmation. And yet, after the hearing, the grotesque American left relentlessly tripled down on their demonic mission to destroy Kavanaugh and his family. Democratic talking heads continue to sell their absurd lie that Kavanaugh is a gang rapist, ignoring facts he gave proving his innocence. Democratic Sen Dianne Feinstein and her minions have no shame, no regrets, no morality, and no decency; laser-focused on blocking Kavanaugh and Trump at any and all costs – throwing the truth under the bus.
For years, I have tried to sound the alarm to my family that as a black conservative political activist, I am engaged in a battle of good versus evil rather than differing well-meaning political views. The American left is evil, anti-Christian, anti-American and anti-freedom. Nothing proves my point more clearly than Democrats’ deviant evil attempt to keep Kavanaugh, a Christian constitutional conservative off our nation’s highest court.
Democrats fear Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court will throw a wrench into their ability to kill babies as late as the date of birth. The abortion doctor delivers the entire body except for the baby’s head. He then shoves scissors into the brain from behind to kill it. Abortion mill staffers say that upon hearing screams of partially birthed babies they have soured on the horrific procedure. Democrats celebrate every abortion because of their perverted belief that killing babies “saves the planet.”
The Bible speaks of the American left’s folly. “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served what has been created (the earth) instead of the Creator (God).” (Romans 1:25) Democrats worship the planet while denying God’s existence and seek to ban Him from the political arena.
God commanded Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:28) The American left foolishly believes themselves smarter than God and always seek to function against His will and original intentions. We are battling evil, folks.
God said marriage is between one man and one woman. (Genesis 2:24) The American left said, screw that! Leftist activists on the Supreme Court opened the door for marriage to be whatever combination conceivable. We are ordered to embrace these combinations, betraying our biblical faith, or suffer criminal consequences.
From the destruction of Brett Kavanaugh to the American left’s war on our brave men and women in blue to dragging down historic monuments to teaching our kids to hate their country to government mandating that 4-year-old pre-k students be taught that transgender-ism is good to mandatory public school lessons on rimming, lubrication, anal sex, and using fruit as sex toys, we are engaged in a battle of good versus evil.
Folks, there is an undeniable evil spiritual force driving the behavior of the American left. How else can you explain why igniting the anger of the American people and financial consequences that follow does not stop major corporations from supporting leftists implementing their divisive and hate-generating anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-freedom agenda?
Here are a few examples.
The playing of our National Anthem is no longer televised before NFL football games. Clearly, the NFL and networks know seeing multimillionaire athletes disrespecting our military, police, and country is highly offensive to football fans. And yet, the NFL continues to pander to its spoiled-brat employees.
Nike selected anti-American activist Colin Kaepernick to be its spokesperson despite enraging Americans to the point of burning Nike products.
These are spiritual attacks from within on America.
Homosexuals are only 1-2% of the population. So why did Wells Fargo Bank deem it urgent to produce an ad pandering to lesbians, which ignited a national boycott?
Permitting men who claim to feel like women (transgenders) in women’s restrooms has led to at least 21 attacks on women. And yet, Target celebrated opening its restrooms to men, putting moms, grandmothers, sisters, and daughters at risk. How on earth can Target justify its decision as being good business? It cannot. It’s a spiritual thing; more spiritual attacks from within on America.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
For the past week, my wife and I have been in Texas with the Conservative Campaign Committee helping Ted Cruz defeat the evil American left’s latest darling candidate Beto O’Rourke.
Please contribute to Ted’s campaign at his website.
I call upon my fellow evangelicals and every American who believes in freedom and decency to vote Republican in November. The Democrats’ pit-bull attack on Judge Kavanaugh confirms that the Democratic Party is emotionally and spiritually ill – evil on steroids. They must be politically defeated and stopped.
In this war of good versus evil, Trump is on the side of good – truly on a mission from God!
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth: http://bit.ly/2kZqmUk
Lloyd…Thank you for a most excellent article. I met you in 2009 in Reno/Sparks at the 1st stop of the 1st Tea Party express across our country. I bought the 1st copy of your wonderful Tea Party Anthem . You went over to the bus and got it for me. Then…I bought many more copies to share at My Tea Party! Thank you for fighting the good fight. I’m still fighting it out here!