The Rainbow Conspiracy Part 13 here.
David Garcia is no moderate grassroots Democrat. He is backed by some of the most powerful leftist donors in America. His campaign is run by committed hardcore Marxists who have already taken down two of Arizona’s most powerful politicians. They have a well-developed plan to exploit the Latino vote to turn Arizona permanently blue.
Influential San Francisco lawyer Steve Phillips and his billionaire socialist friends have long been meddling with Arizona. Turning the Grand Canyon state blue is a key part of Phillips’ plan to give a socialist Democratic Party a permanent monopoly on power in this country – what he euphemistically terms the “New American Majority.” With an exploding Latino population, Arizona is already trending Democrat. Steve Phillips and his friends have spent a lot of money accelerating that process.
Their main vehicle for the 2018 election cycle is Arizona gubernatorial candidate David Garcia. Phillips is funding four gubernatorial candidates this cycle: Stacey Abrams (GA), Andrew Gillum (FL), Ben Jealous (MD) and Garcia. On current polling David Garcia has the best chance of the pack.
Steve Phillips wrote in The Nation:
What Census and electoral data tells us is that the most promising regions in our country for future Democratic wins are in the South and Southwest, where the multiracial ranks of Democratic voters are growing faster than in any other part of the country. Last month, Georgia offered a powerful testimonial to the political possibilities of an unapologetically progressive and inspiring multiracial campaign when Stacey Abrams swept to victory in the gubernatorial primary, garnering more votes than any previous Georgia Democratic nominee in decades (more even than some guy named Jimmy Carter). The demographic and electoral trends in Arizona have created similar conditions for Garcia.
Often overlooked in 2016 election postmortems is the fact that Arizona was one of the most closely contested states in the country. Clinton lost by just 3.5 percent—coming closer than she did in Ohio, Iowa, and North Carolina, states that slid from the Democratic column after Obama had previously won them. Trump won by just 91,000 votes in Arizona, a state in which 600,000 Latinos who were eligible to vote didn’t cast ballots.
Phillips is blunt. They way to win Arizona is to play the race card. Don’t put your main resources behind white Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema (a former Communist Party USA supporter), go brown. A Latino candidate at the top of the ticket will lift turnout across the state, to make big gains in 2018. Then on to the main prize – a leftist Democrat president with both Houses behind him or her in 2020.
Some have suggested that Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema, who is running for the Senate seat held by Republican Jeff Flake, should be the focus of a statewide strategy to turn out moderates for the Democratic ticket. But that would be a mistake. The way to win seats in Arizona—for the Senate, House and other races—is to inspire core Democrats, Latinos in particular. And the way to do that is by lifting up David Garcia’s campaign and unleashing a brown wave of voters that will lift all boats and turn that formerly red state blue…
Garcia’s bid in Arizona shares the same potential and promise as Abrams’s in Georgia. The underlying alignment with the demographic revolution in those respective regions shows that we could be just six short months from this country’s having a Governor Abrams in Georgia (and thus our nation’s first black female governor) and a Governor Garcia in Arizona serving as the cornerstone of a new multiracial progressive political order in America—one that will be well positioned to flip those critical states with 27 combined electoral votes, help the 2020 Democratic nominee win the White House…
And Steve Phillips and his rich friends are ready with the money. Among them is billionaire Tom Steyer, like Phillips, a leading member of the Democracy Alliance, a secretive gathering of extremely rich leftist donors.
David Garcia, a Democratic candidate for governor, held a fundraiser late June 2018 at the San Francisco home of Tom Steyer, the California billionaire who is spending part of his fortune to influence Arizona’s elections.
A spokesperson for the Garcia campaign, Sarah Elliot, said the fundraiser follows a trend of left-leaning voters nationally taking an interest in Arizona politics.
“Arizona is becoming, as you know, increasingly important on the national stage,” she said. “A lot of national progressives are starting to take an interest in David Garcia.”
According to the most recent campaign finance reports filed in April, Garcia has raised $543,702 during his campaign…
Garcia appeared at the Monday fundraiser at Steyer’s home alongside Steve Phillips, founder of the political action group, Democracy in Color.
Garcia appeared on a Democracy in Color podcast taped in Phoenix. In the episode, posted last week, Garcia said it was important for a Latino to become the state’s chief executive.
Garcia said, on the podcast, that when he ran for Superintendent of Public Instruction in 2014, political advisors told him that his last name would prove a barrier to winning a statewide election.
“I believe a Garcia needs to win in Arizona,” he said on the podcast. “For this state to really reach its promise, for this state to be fully represented by the people of Arizona, somebody with my last name needs to win.”
Phillips is also backing Garcia through another of his stable of candidate funding organizations
Most recently we worked with grassroots activists in Georgia to encourage African American voters to turn out in the CD-6 race in Georgia and to build support for Stacey Abrams’ race for Governor there. As we move forward, we will deepen our work in California as well as launching a multi-state initiative to support gubernatorial candidates of color in GA (Stacey Abrams), MD (Benjamin Jealous), AZ (David Garcia), CA (John Chiang), and FL (Andrew Gillum).
Steve Phillips started getting serious about Arizona during the 2012 elections through yet another of his funding organizations PAC+.
From the PowerPAC+ website:
Today, PAC+, a new national network of leaders focused on democratizing money and politics to give voice to America’s New Majority, will launch a television advertising campaign targeted at the Latino electorate. The group’s first ad will air in Arizona, the center of the right wing’s attack on Latinos, the fastest growing sector of the New American Majority. The ad will be the first Latino-focused ad by an independent group this cycle…
“Romney has acknowledged that ‘he’s sunk’ if he can’t make inroads with Latinos. We intend to sink him, and to get the rest of the progressive community to join us,” said Steve Phillips, Chairman of PAC+. “PAC+ selected Arizona for the launch of its paid media program to highlight the state’s political significance and its untapped potential to the progressive community, which is not yet convinced of the value of investing resources in this electorate,“ he added.
“This television advertising campaign is the first paid media work that PAC+ will be doing in 2012 and as such is the first salvo in what will be an escalating and sustained effort targeting Latinos in 2012 and beyond. It is the first television ad aimed at a Latino audience to be aired by any independent group thus far,” said Dr. Julie Martinez Ortega, Senior Advisor to PAC+. The advertising campaign will be a state-wide effort in Arizona that includes the Phoenix, Tucson, and Yuma media markets. The ads will air in Spanish and English-language media outlets and on both broadcast and on cable. “We’re still finalizing our fundraising for the ad,” said Martinez Ortega, “but it’ll certainly be in the high five-figures to low six-figures.”
The ad reminds Latinos and Progressive voters about what is at stake if Romney were elected President. It defines Romney for Latinos and Progressive voters by using his own words, in an effort to contrast him with President Obama and thereby motivate them to vote for Barack Obama in November.
That was all pump-priming. Steve Phillips enlisted an agent to help kickstart the transformation of Arizona. The chosen one was a board member of Phillips’ PowerPAC+. A Scottsdale resident, his name was Randy Parraz – yes, Arizona conservatives THAT Randy Parraz.
Arizonans may remember that Randy Parraz ran as a Democrat for US Senate in 2010. That campaign was a failure. Randy Parraz is way better at making others lose than at winning himself.
Parraz devoted himself to stopping the state’s two main opponents of the illegal alien invasion then (and still) threatening Arizona’s conservative political base… Arizona State Senate Russell Pearce and iconic Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
In the spring of 2008, Randy Parraz helped launch a new coalition, “Maricopa Citizens for Safety and Accountability” to “expose the misplaced priorities, abusive practices and ineffective policies of Sheriff Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.”
In 2011, he and a handful of other leftists called for the recall of State Senator Russell Pearce, the legislative father of anti-illegal alien legislation SB1070.
As one of the most powerful politicians in Arizona, many thought Russell Pearce was untouchable. But Randy Parraz had trained with the Alinsky-based Industrial Areas Foundation. He has learned well Saul Alinsky’s vilification and community organizing tactics. Through his organization Citizens for a Better Arizona, he submitted more than 10,000 valid signatures to force Pearce into a recall election. An unholy alliance between the left and Chamber of Commerce Republicans elected a a moderate Republican, Jerry Lewis, to replace Pearce.
Parraz’s next target was Joe Arpaio.
First Parraz and Steve Phillips’ PAC+ tried to elect Parraz’s activist lawyer wife to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
PAC+’s Julie Martinez Ortega wrote:
Out of all of this organizing activity have arisen some of our nation’s leading Latino organizers and advocates, including Lilia Alvarez, 2012 candidate for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. PAC+ enthusiastically endorsed Lilia and encourages progressives around the country to contribute to her campaign. If elected, this bright, young, progressive Latina will become one of the five people overseeing the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and its budget.
When this attempt failed, Parraz mounted a recall attempt against Sheriff Arpaio. It was called Bazta Arpaio.
In October 2016, former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said she wasn’t concerned about the Latino vote in Arizona, saying Latinos “don’t get out and vote. They don’t vote.”
Famous last words.
Bazta Arpaio — the group organizing to end the troubled career of the beleaguered Maricopa County sheriff — recruited more than 500 volunteers from all over the country to knock on more than 13,000 doors over the weekend.
According to organizers, it was the largest GOTV canvassing in Arizona’s history.
“200,000 Latinos have turned 18 since Arpaio’s last election. Arizona is at a tipping point,” Alejandra Gomez, leader and activist with the Bazta Arpaio, said during a conference call before the canvassing.
“This political shift happened by organizing our community to reclaim our state.”
Randy Parraz was spokesman for Bazta Arpaio, but he had help, lots of help. Several activist groups moved into the campaign, including Erika Andiola, president of the Arizona DREAM Act Coalition. Andiola would go on to serve as Bernie Sanders’ press secretary and as political director of the Democratic Socialists of America-controlled Our Revolution in 2017.
The far-left Arizona Students Association also contributed several leading activists to the campaign. Many of them would go on to the Bernie Sanders campaign, Democratic Socialists of America, the Arizona Democratic Party or Steve Phillips’ old ally, the Maoist-leaning Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
Bazta Arpaio activist Maria Castro had to take time off the campaign to travel to Palestine for a radical tour organized by the Freedom Road-aligned Black Lives Matter group: Dream Defenders.
Several prominent Freedom Road supporters helped lead Bazta Arpaio. An ultra-secret organization, Freedom Road seldom publicly names its members, but supporters can often be identified through their association with numerous front groups.
Marisa Franco’s Mijente organization worked under the Bazta Arpaio banner. Franco has worked for Freedom Road fronts such a the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the Right to the City Alliance, People Organized to Win Employment Rights (San Francisco) and Domestic Workers United (New York City). Marisa Franco also serves on the Movement Voter Project Advisory Board, alongside three leaders of Steve Phillips’ Sandler Phillips Center – Susan Sandler, Marvin Randolph and Andy Wong.
Franco’s partner Caitlin Breedlove was also a leading anti-Arpaio activist. She had worked in multiple Freedom Road aligned groups, such as Southerners On New Ground (Atlanta), Highlander Research and Education Center (Tennessee) and the Southern Workers Assembly.
Their comrade, B. Loewe of Chicago, who served as Bazta Arpaio communications director, had worked with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the U.S. Social Forum and Organizing Upgrade.
The talents of these experienced socialist operatives was a huge asset to Bazta Arpaio.
After a spirited Alinsky type vilification campaign against Sheriff Arpaiao and a very effective Get Out The Vote effort among Maricopa County’s Latino community, the election was a forgone conclusion.
Sheriff Arpaio was up against a well-oiled, well-financed Marxist machine. On election night 2016, Arpaio lost to Democrat Paul Penzone 43 to 56%.
David Garcia wasn’t overtly involved in the Bazta Arpaio campaign, but he certainly supported it.
David Garcia was actively involved with the network of Arizona Student Union, Democratic Socialists of America, Berniecrat and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization cadre, who formed the backbone of Bazta Arpaio and subsequent organizations.
On October 11, 2017, Portland Oregon activist Eddy Morales put up an interesting Facebook post:
“Going home for three hours. What a great trip to Phoenix! Got to spend time with some of the best organizers, friends, and family. Excited about the possibilities! This is David Garcia and he is running for Governor of Arizona! — traveling to PDX with Lew Granofsky, Brendan Walsh, Caitlin Elly Breedlove, Tomas E. Robles, Jr., Marisa Franco, Marco Garcia, Judy Davila, John Loredo, Ian Danley, Roy Herrera and Sarah Michelsen from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.”
Note the mention of Freedom Road affiliates Caitlin Breedlove and Marisa Franco, and Tomas E. Robles, Jr. from People for Bernie and One Arizona. The picture above depicts Eddy Morales (left) David Garcia and Ian Danley of One Arizona (right).
Eddy Morales serves alongside Randy Parraz on the PowerPAC+ board. He is also Treasurer of the Democratic Party of Oregon.
Until 2016, Morales was Director of the Latino Engagement Fund, for the Democracy Alliance, the secretive club of mega-rich leftist donors which is known to be backing David Garcia.
Eddy directs the Latino Engagement Fund, a collaborative effort between individual and institutional donors designed to strengthen high-performing Latino civic engagement organizations, build capacity, support collaboration between and among groups, invest in new and innovative strategies for reaching and engaging the Latino population, and increase the political power of the growing Latino population in America
A few days later, on November 3, 2017, Eddy Morales hosted David Garcia at a meeting of major Oregon political donors at the Philanthropy Center, Northwest Health Foundation, Portland.
David Garcia’s is a rich man’s campaign. No doubt about it.
Ian Danley, executive director of One Arizona, is campaign manager for the Garcia gubernatorial campaign. He played the same role in Garcia’s 2014 run for Superintendent of Public Instruction. One Arizona is basically the Garcia campaign.
Formed in 2010, One Arizona is now a coalition of 17 organization, including the very radical Council on American Islamic Relations.
Over the past years, One Arizona has worked under a successful collaborative format on civic engagement efforts in statewide, gubernatorial, and municipality-based election seasons. The table members represent a broad tapestry of 501c3s focused on voter registration, voter engagement, voter mobilization, election protection, and issue advocacy.
The boom in the Latino population, combined with concerted and wide-ranging efforts to increase Latino voter registration and participation, have begun to shape the results of the local, state and national elections
One Arizona is essentially the same coalition of Berrnie Sanders supporters, Democratic Socialists of America activists, Arizona State University radicals, Freedom Roaders and Latino extremists who defeated Russell Pearce and Joe Arpaio.
For example, activist Shayna Stevens supports David Garcia. She is a Council on American Islamic Relations board member, a young Democrat and an associate of Randy Parraz. She was also active in the Arizona Students Association where she worked closely with Garcia.
David Garcia! ASA met with Dr. Garcia to discuss how we make higher education more affordable and accessible for all. We discussed education policy that is being drafted for 2018-2020.
We also discussed Dr. Garcia’s plan to make community colleges in Arizona free! A plan we at ASA, believe can work. ASA has worked with Dr. Garcia in different capacities over the years as he is a nationally recognized expert in education research & policy, an ASU professor and now a candidate for Governor of Arizona. We’re looking forward to working with Dr. Garcia in the coming weeks…
Shayna Stevens also supports Democratic Socialists of America.
Unsurprisingly, Steve Phillips’ Democracy in Color website lists One Arizona as one of its “18 Frontline Freedom Fighters” and urges supporters to donate to the organization.
According to Steve Phillips:
Twelve committed community organizations came together in Arizona to form a coalition called One Arizona, and that network of groups registered 150,000 voters in six weeks in the Fall of 2016, making that heavily-Latino state more competitive than it has been in decades.
One Arizona leader, Montserrat Arredondo (who was also David Garcia’s 2014 Field Director) says that her organization’s goal is to register 200,000 voters before Oct. 9, which is the deadline if you want to vote in the November elections.
To reach that lofty target, her groups sets up shop at “the local grocery store, the park, Target.” In recent years, they’ve gone beyond the traditional set-up-a-booth approach, too: They’ve implemented techniques like text messaging to encourage Latinos to vote.
Check out his One Arizona video. The emotionalism is pretty strong, but the facts are plain.
A recent July poll had David Garcia beating Republican incumbent Doug Ducey 42% to 41%. If Garcia wins, stealth socialist Kyrsten Sinema will probably win in the US Senate race. Congressional and State House seats will probably tumble as well.
The Republican Party and Arizona’s grassroots conservatives needs to wake up quickly to the threat posed by David Garcia and his Marxist supporters. If the left wins this race, Arizona will almost certainly go the way of Blue States California, New Mexico and Colorado. That will also strongly increase the chances that President Trump will lose in 2020.
Time is running very short.
Look for Part 15 coming soon: Stealth Socialist Steve Phillips Works With TOP Radicals To Turn Texas Blue
A book entitled “The Rainbow Conspiracy” will be released in October 2018.
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