By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | NoisyRoom.net
Zombie has done another fantastic photo/video spread… this time on UC Berkeley as it burns. See: Violent Berkeley Riot Causes Cancellation of Milo Yiannopolous Speech. There are a ton of great photos that depict just how out of control the situation was there, all because Milo Yiannopoulos wanted to practice free speech. Silly boy… the fascists of Berkeley aren’t down with that.
Here’s a taste of Zombie’s coverage:
A long-anticipated speech by Breitbart.com editor Milo Yiannopolous was abruptly canceled Wednesday evening after protests outside the U.C. Berkeley event quickly escalated into a violent riot.
Rockets and incendiary devices were fired at police, the Student Union campus building where Milo was scheduled to appear was besieged and severely damaged, Trump supporters were assaulted, fires were ignited, and the riot then spilled out onto city streets where windows were smashed and businesses vandalized.
This page contains videos and photos of the riot taken by me, documenting the violence — as well as additional videos taken by other witnesses showing assaults on Milo supporters.
Much of the violence was at first initiated by a large contingent of masked self-styled “anarchists,” but they were cheered on and encouraged by the overall crowd of several thousand protesters who screamed “Shut it down!” and “Fuck the police!” as the black-clad anarchists began smashing things up and throwing firebombs. When it was announced that Milo’s speech had been canceled, the entire crowd of protesters (not just the anarchists) erupted into celebration. The crowd then dispersed into city streets where they committed more violence and vandalism over the next several hours.
Left-wing campus groups had been planning the riot for months, as detailed in “The Official Anti-Milo Toolkit,” a comprehensive strategy document prepared by a coalition of leftist organizations outlining exactly how to get Milo’s Berkeley appearance canceled, and providing shockingly fascistic rationalizations as to why free speech should not be allowed for conservatives.
And a sample video:
You didn’t see that on the news, now did you? Is this where you want your kids going to school? Is this how you want your hard earned money spent? These are leftist anarchists and commie radicals and this is going to get much worse before it gets better. Please take the time to read Zombie’s piece. It’s enlightening.
And from Right Wing News, my post on Berkeley burning:
Another day, another riot. As I was winding down for the day last night, I tuned into Fox News and lo and behold, there was a riot blossoming on the campus of UC Berkeley. Protesters were swarming… throwing rocks, setting cars and trees on fire, storming barricades… it was a commie party in full swing. What sparked this? Why free speech of course. Milo Yiannopoulos was due to wrap up his tour with speaking there… a gay man with conservative leanings is usually a hit with millennials. Not this time. The very same campus that in 1964 protested for everyone to have the right of free speech, last night rioted to silence a dissenting voice. How progressive.
More than 1,000 asshats showed up to protest. They hate anything to do with President Trump or conservatives. The campus forced the Young Republican’s group there to cover extra security costs. They paid an additional $7,000 for it. This is one of the ways campuses across the nation try to silence those on the right. But, the Republicans said they would foot the bill. I don’t think they saw this coming though. And as the riot ensued, UCLA canceled Milo’s next appearance. Cowards.
From Breitbart:
On Wednesday night, fires blazed across the University of California, Berkeley campus, the site of the student Free Speech Movement of the 1960s, as protesters violently derailed the finale of MILO’s college lecture tour.
In 1964, Berkeley student Mario Savio addressed his peers in a speech about the importance of the free and open discussion on college campuses. In his address, Savio argued that the university must return to it’s intended function where students are invited to explore all ideas – both radical and mainstream – freely and without fear of social or academic repercussion.
It’s been said, that… you know… we’ve been revolutionaries, and all this sort of thing… uh… in a way that’s true. We’ve gone back to a traditional view of the university. The traditional view of the university is a community of scholars… of faculty and students… get together who… um… you know, with complete honesty… who bring the hard light of free inquiry to bear… upon important matters in the sciences… but also in the social sciences… the question of just what ought to be… not just… what is.
Milo is the editor for Breitbart. He was to speak in front of 500 students. I don’t agree with everything Milo says, but he has the right to say it freely. This is nothing less than fascism, which ironically, is what they accuse Milo of. That and being a homophobe, which is ironic because he’s GAY. When I watched what was going down there, it looked to me as if the police were taking a ‘hands off’ stance. They didn’t stop or arrest anyone as far as I could tell.
Outside the student union, protesters torched a small cart, causing a sizable fire that produced a cloud of black smoke. It looked like they turned it upside down, so it would burn better. The smoke triggered fire alarms in vicinity buildings to go off. Rioters threw smoke bombs, seen and heard going off behind TV media reporters at the scene. Then they started busting out windows of vehicles. As this was gearing up, Milo’s security whisked him to safety.
From FrontPage Magazine:
Leftist UC Berkeley students and outsiders rioted last night to prevent Milo Yiannopoulos from delivering a David Horowitz Freedom Center-sponsored speech demanding the end of “sanctuary campuses” that harbor illegal aliens. Milo’s address, which was canceled amid violent mob attacks, fire-setting, and wanton property destruction, had been scheduled to mark the launch of the Freedom Center’s #nosanctuarycampusforcriminals campaign.
Keep it up, you morons. You just make Milo more popular. The entire frigging state wants to become a sanctuary zone for illegals. Any day now, President Trump is going to cut off funding to sanctuary campuses like UC Berkeley. In fact, the way California is going, Trump will cut off all federal funding to the entire state. Oh, I hope he does. A dance with the moonbats in California is long overdue. Normal people there have suffered far too long. They may try to squash free speech in California, but payback from DC is going to be a b*tch.
Tree is now on fire at UC Berkeley #MiloAtCal #UCBerkeley. People keep shouting "it's lit!" pic.twitter.com/ypgu6D3T4t
— Gillian E. (@GillianM925) February 2, 2017