“Helping to build a democratic socialist political force, DSA members have stepped up to run for political office around the United States. Their campaigns represent the next stage of the organizing that began with the Sanders campaigns, and their successes will reflect the strength of socialist organizing beyond national politics.” – Democratic Socialists of America website, August 23, 2016, “DSA Members Run for Office to Continue the Political Revolution“
Senator Bernie Sanders has created a new 501(c)(4) organization whose non-stated goal is to fundamentally transform the United States into a socialist country. There will be over 2500 “house parties” in all 50 states livestreaming Bernie himself jump-starting the effort Wednesday evening.
After Sanders lost his bid to become the Democrat nominee for president, his allies have been busily plotting the complete transformation of America using the hashtag #OurRevolution. In addition to the ongoing effort to support so-called “Berniecrats” who endorsed the socialist during his presidential campaign, many “grassroots leaders from the Bernie campaign and a few ex-staffers” are dedicated to “replacing Congress all at once with a Brand New Congress in 2018.”
It should be noted that many Berniecrats already won their primaries. Americans need to pay attention. Here is just one example of a tweet touting winning Berniecrats:
RT 4OurRevolution: #OurRevolution
6 Missouri #Berniecrats WON
Their Primary Races Yesterday!
… pic.twitter.com/fCDswc35zS— #DemExit July 29th (@BernieOrJill1) August 19, 2016
The goal is to “recruit and run 400+ candidates as a single, unified, presidential-style campaign.” The candidates will follow an agenda inspired by Bernie Sanders’ policy proposals.
From the Brand New Congress website:
“We’re happy to see so many “Berniecrats” running in 2016 and we want to be supportive, but we’re just getting started, so we don’t think we’ll have that much to offer 2016 candidates. We think the way to win is to start very early and plan a great campaign. That’s why we’re focusing on 2018.”
Socialists are highly organized and dedicated to pushing through anti-American candidates who are not interested in limited government as envisioned by America’s founding fathers. In order to get America back on the path to peace and prosperity, constitutional conservatives need to strongly support principled candidates for office who will take their oath to the Constitution seriously.
Follow the hashtags #Berniecrats and #OurRevolution to learn more.
Read More:
- One Percenter Bernie Sanders buys $600k waterfront ‘summer home’
- No, there is not a difference between ‘Democratic Socialism’ and ‘Socialism’
- Who are the Democratic Socialists of America?
- Exclusive: Democratic Socialists of America denies evidence of Bernie Sanders membership
- DSA Marxists Told to Hide Their Support for Bernie Sanders from Voters
- Fox News Grovels to Bernie Sanders
- Trevor Loudon Releases Bernie Sanders Exposé Video In Anticipation Of His Upcoming Political Documentary
- Blocked: Facebook removes damning Bernie Sanders article
- #EnemiesWithin: New Video Proves Bernie Sanders is a Communist (video)
- Bernie Sanders is a Communist Part 1: The Democratic Socialists of America Connection
- I.F. Stone – One Time Soviet Agent Endorsed Bernie Sanders
- Mike Bayer – Communist Agent in the Bernie Sanders Camp?
- Bernie Sanders: Evidence that the Senator from Vermont is a Big “C” Communist
- Marxist economist says Sanders will “double your income” – seriously!
Cal. You already have a socialist party in America. Its called the Democratic Party. Bernie just intends to to be a little more explicit.
You are absolutely right Trevor.
Good luck with that.
The “Socialist Party”? In America? Not gonna happen.
Why do you need a one hour video to convince people?
Why is the video started with an old Sanders Presidential commercial?
Please name one current democrat policy that did NOT start as a socialist policy.