By: Terresa Monroe |
I didn’t catch Ted Cruz’s speech in New York last week at a candidate’s forum. But Rush Limbaugh listened to it and was shocked with what he heard, or didn’t hear as the case may be. He said it was literally the best dirty trick he’d ever seen. Limbaugh has been in this game a long time, so that’s saying something. First Trump spoke and there were no issues… then Kasich came on and that went smoothly… finally, Cruz spoke and it started out fine. But after a few minutes, his audio went loud and then was drowned out by people eating and clinking silverware.
The dinner was a New York Republican black-tie event. Rush was watching Fox News where this happened. According to other listeners, the audio was fine on CNN. It took Limbaugh about 30 seconds to figure out what was going on. Cruz’s microphone had been cut at the podium and they had replaced it with what sounded like microphones at five or six tables. All you could hear were people eating and the clinking of knives and forks on plates. People were drinking and chatting. You could even hear them smacking their lips while eating. That wasn’t a technical glitch… that was on purpose.
At first Limbaugh thought it was an audio glitch and waited for Fox News to fix it. But that didn’t happen. Rush waited and waited and it never got fixed. Finally there was silence and then the same noise came back. Ted Cruz had no idea all this was going on. He sounded normal to the audience and from what I heard, they were riveted by him. All that could be heard was normal eating and waiters bustling around.