North Idahoans Defeat Progressive Mayor’s ‘Refugee’ Resolution

By: Dan Lyman
Western Free Press


Last week, I published a piece detailing a conflict manifesting in my semi-rural community in North Idaho, with the understanding that our local issue is merely a microcosmic snapshot of analogous events taking place around much of the world, especially across the pond in Europe.

Ruthless globalists, war mongers, and political architects have systematically turned the Middle East and neighboring regions into the ultimate pit of despair, and like an ant colony smashed by a juvenile’s savage shoe, its inhabitants are pouring out in a historic mass exodus – all according to the overarching game plan. Indeed, the Western-backed Islamic State (ISIS) explicitlypromised to flood Europe with refugees and jihadists as part of their quest for worldwide domination. They weren’t just making empty threats.

Now, bleeding heart liberals and conniving progressives across the West have taken up the mantle to joyously welcome these ‘refugees’ to infiltrate our countries, cities, and villages, with little thought given to immediate safety and security issues, or the irreversible long-term cultural and financial ramifications of inviting colonization by non-assimilatory, Third World welfare dependents. They also don’t know (or care) that the majority of these ‘migrants’ are military-aged males, legions of whom are ready for war, rape, and pillaging.

In response to any and all who oppose this foolish moral preening, these same intellectual lightweights, in their collectivist frenzy to slough off any troublesome particles of rationality or self-preservation, are inclined to lean heavily on three all-purpose indictments from theirNewspeakian lexicon: Racism, Bigotry, and Intolerance. *YAWN*


At a recent city council meeting, on his first night in office, our duplicitous mayor, Shelby Rognstad, put forth a resolution welcoming ‘Syrian refugees’ to our small town – while simultaneously accusing many of his constituents of being Nazis, Ku Klux Klanners, or supporters of FDR’s Japanese internment during World War II.

Of course, in the spirit of proper race-baiting, the mayor neglected to acknowledge the German and Italian internments of that time, or the cozy connection between radical Islam and the Nazis, but that’s a story for another day.

Thanks to scores of informed citizens and patriots drawing a hard line in the sand and passionately defending it, the mayor and city council were forced to table the resolution for further consideration at their next meeting, which was held this evening.

The two week period between meetings saw organization and collusion on both sides of the ball. The wheels of a motion to recall the mayor began to turn. The mayor and city council were bombarded by letters and emails of concern and outrage. A rally was held in nearby Bonners Ferry.

Local Democrat groups urged their supporters to show up to City Hall an hour before the second vote, to effectively box out the ‘intolerant’ folks – a move that was thwarted by those of us who packed the entrance 90 minutes ahead of time.


Despite numerous requests to hold the gathering at a higher-capacity facility, to enable all attendees to be present for the council meeting, taxpayers saw their representation capped off at the room limit of 130, while another 100 or so had the doors closed in their face.

As is customary, a recital of the Pledge of Allegiance preceded the agenda. And as is customary for Mr. Rognstad, he turned to Old Glory and placed his hands behind his back – a gesture for which an Air Force veteran rebuked him during the public forum.


The short period in which citizens were permitted to address the council yielded a telling insight into the personalities of some of the council members – and in what direction their moral compasses may point.

Local businesswoman, Anita Aurit, used her time to call attention to a statement councilwoman Deb Ruehle had made at the prior meeting, wherein she tearfully admonished the crowd, “Although you like to come up and yell at us – we care, that’s why we’re here. We volunteer. We don’t really get paid for this.”

Ms. Aurit consulted city budget figures, and pointed out that each council member is allocated $1,548 per month in benefits and salary. “You DO get paid for this, and I think it’s very disingenuous to make a comment like that,” she said.

Ms. Ruehle opted to address the dispute, and via a lengthy ‘sorry, not sorry,’ fauxpology, admitted, “We do receive health insurance for our position here, but we do not have any sort of salary which is spendable money.”

At this juncture, councilman Bob Camp interjected with the truth: “Clarification point: We DO get a monthly check for… a salary.” Oops.

Mayor Rognstad flashed his totalitarian underpinnings, chiding the audience, “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re not going to have hooting and hollering in here tonight. We’re going to keep a civil discussion. This isn’t a football game.” And was promptly met with, “Yeah, but it’s AMERICA.” Perhaps the mayor should spend some time in the Ukrainian parliament to toughen up.

The high point of the evening was reached when deliberations over the council’s resolution culminated in two members reading statements appealing for a ‘motion to withdraw.’ In response, the mayor recited his own pre-written admission of defeat, tucked his tail between his legs, and promptly called the meeting to adjournment. The room erupted in cheers and applause.

Chalk one up for the power of an vigilant, galvanized citizenry.

Video of the meeting can be found HERE.


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8 thoughts on “North Idahoans Defeat Progressive Mayor’s ‘Refugee’ Resolution

  1. Please explain something to me; WHY in sam hill are liberals wanting to bring these migrants up there when it was released just two years ago that Isis had Bonners Ferry listed as one of their targets of attack? Hmmm.

  2. The author makes a common error in differing ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’–they are one and the same–Marxist globalists. Liberal is Marxist democrat code for progressive–and progressive is code for communist. Its not good to use Marxist democrat euphemisms for communism.

    1. Communists should be called communists–they are not liberal and they are not progressive–they are regressive–their policies are devised to destroy individuals and nations–and all liberty with it.

  3. Considering this young man could not even honor the country he lives in by saluting during the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance he has no business being in politics or any public office that represents the people of this nation. As a woman old enough to be his grandma, he needs a good boxing upside the head.

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