By: Cliff Kincaid
America’s Survival
Author and analyst Trevor Loudon discusses the U.S. presidential election and the various candidates on the Democratic and Republican sides, in the context of the Russian role in global conflict and the Middle East refugee crisis. Loudon exposes how Joe Biden, Obama’s “moderate” Vice President and possible presidential candidate, is linked to the far-left Council for a Livable World, Al Gore, and the Soviet agent of influence Armand Hammer. Trevor also addresses the controversy over whether Bernie Sanders is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the same group which backed Barack Obama’s political career. Members of the DSA “are communists,” says Loudon, who notes that Sanders helped set up the Congressional Progressive Caucus in the U.S. Congress. This is the group (80 members strong) behind Obamacare, illegal alien amnesty, and the gutting of the American military. Sanders “is a hard-core communist,” Loudon says. He is “lying about his true intentions” while “popularizing socialism.” What’s more, convicted communist spy Kurt Stand is campaigning for Bernie!