By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
I come from a family of Christians who are loyal union members. My father belonged to the Millwright/Carpenter Union his whole life. My cousin and uncle were both Ironworkers. The sad part is, big parts of my family voted for Barack Obama… not once, but twice. Even sadder is that if Joe Biden runs, they’ll vote for him as well. Why? Because he’s pro-labor and that’s all they can see. It doesn’t matter if pro-labor means pro-worker or not. They have one issue and have blinders on. It has now caused an insurmountable schism in my family which saddens me greatly. If my father were still alive, as pro-union as he was until the last decade or so of his life, there’s no way he would have ever supported these craven Marxists. No way.
I fully expect Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren to run on the Democratic ticket for the presidency in 2016. Hillary Clinton is damaged goods and cratering in the polls. She’s also under investigation by the FBI and sooner or later, she’ll be charged. Then some type of pardon will be forthcoming. The Democrats can’t abide Sanders, so Biden will fill the breach most likely. But trust me, if the nominee were to be Socialist Sanders, my family would vote for him. Once again, because he’s pro-labor.
Biden hasn’t declared yet, but today, on Labor Day, the Vice President spoke at an AFL-CIO Labor Day event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He marched with Richard Trumka arm in arm in that event. Biden thundered, “I’m mad, I’m angry!” He railed that the U.S. economy is “devastating for workers.” Well, duh… you helped Barack Obama create that ‘devastating economy,’ Joe. Now you point the finger at who? Bush? After 7 years, really? Or do you point at Barack Obama, claiming you had nothing to do with it? That’s ridiculous. Oh, I’ve got it! Blame the Republicans in Congress – impotent, lame, water boys that they are for Barack Obama. Yeah, that’s the ticket. No one is buying it except the brainwashed, feeble and communist. There seem to be plenty of those voters out there though.
Biden thanked “my friend” Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO. There wouldn’t be a single basic right, from a 40-hour week to sick leave, there wouldn’t be a single basic right out there … but for labor,” Biden said. “You build the middle class. That’s not an exaggeration.” Then Biden turned his invective rhetoric on the straw man of growing economic inequality. “Let me tell you something, man,” Biden said. “The tax code’s not fair. The wealthy aren’t paying their fair share. There used to be one America. Today 1 percent of Americans owns 40 percent of all wealth in America,” the Vice President said. “A level playing field doesn’t exist. It’s the way the tax code has been setup,” Biden charged.
Some are saying the unions are playing coy, courting both Biden and Sanders, when they fully intend to support Hillary Clinton. I wouldn’t count on that. The unions have always loved Joe Biden and he loves them right back. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the unions throw in behind Biden. Trumka met with Biden last week in DC and declared the race wide open. “Biden’s a good friend — he’s been a champion of working people,” Trumka said this week during a breakfast with reporters. “He would be a good candidate. He would be a good president.” Biden will commit to not only fight for trade protections, but also push for an increase in the minimum wage and expand union membership.
Amid chants of “run Joe, run,” Biden marched in Pittsburgh’s annual Labor Day parade on Monday as speculation swirled about a potential late entry into the Democratic presidential race. He donned a black-and-gold United Steelworkers Union hat. That must have had my cousins cheering energetically.
Biden later walked along the city’s downtown with a large contingent of steelworkers, hearing encouraging words along the parade route. “Give it a go, Joe!” shouted one delusional woman. Biden is playing hard to get and said last week he wasn’t certain if he and his family had the “emotional energy” for another campaign. Right. That’s why he’s expending all his energies at these events. For the sheer ‘fun’ of it.
The campaign was clearly on the minds of his adoring fans. During a speech before a few hundred steelworkers, Biden said the media liked to portray him as a populist. “They’ll probably say (I’m) competing with Bernie Sanders, who is doing a helluva job by the way.” May I just say, commies of a feather. They really want the same thing.
When one man shouted that Biden should run for president, the Vice President responded, “You gotta talk to my wife about that. I gotta talk to my wife about that.” Tell me, Joe… will she have her shotgun when you talk? His wife, Jill Biden, is said to share some of her husband’s misgivings about whether the family should pursue another presidential bid following the death of their 46 year-old son, Beau Biden. It’s shameful how Biden is using the death of his son in all this – he brings it up over and over again. It’s simply disgusting.
The media is just drooling over this. Wearing a white polo shirt and looking fit and trim, Biden had earlier repeatedly flitted from side to side of the downtown streets clogged with union workers, floats and the thunderous brass of marching bands in Pennsylvania. He was pressing the flesh and probably hugging babies, while slapping union workers on the back. He certainly had their ear: “Why in God’s name should a man or woman working in a steel mill making $50,000 pay a higher rate than someone that makes tens of millions of dollars a year on Wall Street? I mean, I am serious.” Once again, he would know, as he’s one of the wealthy ones he’s railing against. It’s pandering and hypocritical.
And if this isn’t damned close to a union endorsement, I don’t know what is:
Rich Trumka, the President of the AFL-CIO, who controls a valuable political endorsement for Democratic candidates introduced Biden as a friend, a brother and “a great champion of working men and working women.”
Leo Gerard, of the United Steelworkers Union meanwhile made the implicit case that he was the true heir of the post-Great Recession era of job creation under President Barack Obama.
“Joe Biden has been in the room, he has been the voice of working people in that room.”
Trumka said the Vice President got a strong response from the city’s workers. “If you’re looking for energy, this is a great place to get energy today,” the labor leader said. You betcha! They’ve got the moron and union vote sown up. Biden definitely gets the commie vote – the unions love him and he’s their guy.
Commie, Zionist, fascist, Nazi, evolutionist, Fabian socialists – what make the difference – all created and controlled by the Rothschild human blood parasites!