By: Brent Parrish
The Right Planet
At a pro-illegal immigration event held at USC in Los Angeles, California, that was being conducted in Spanish only, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) was met with shouts of “communist” and “traitor.”
These are not altogether baseless smears. Gutierrez was a member of the Socialist Party in Puerto Rico during the 80s.
From 1984-86 Gutierrez, a Democrat, served as an advisor to Mayor Harold Washington of Chicago. In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city’s mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity.
At the same event, illegal immigrants shouted the slogan “¡Sí se puede!”–Spanish for “Yes, it can be done!” or “Yes, you can do it!”
Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, creators of the “¡Sí se puede!” slogan, were students of Saul Alinsky’s brand of community organizing, as were Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“Yes, We Can!” originates from “¡Sí se puede!,” which is a communist revolutionary slogan.
Other videos from the same event:
- Illegal Immigrants Shout Communist Slogan “Si Se Puede”
- Discussing Treasonous Politicians and Illegal Immigration with the Police
- Rep. Luis Gutierrez tells Illegal Immigrants how to get citizenship and benefits
- Illegal Immigrant Event Ends 20 minutes early because of real questions
- A Strong Warning from Trevor Loudon on Illegal Amnesty
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