By: Brent Parrish
The Right Planet

EUSSR (Credit: Finn Skovgaard)
Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky spent a total of 12 years in Soviet psychiatric prisons and labor camps. Upon his first release from the camps, he asked a journalist to set up some cameras to record his testimony about what was really going on within the Soviet penal system.
Bukovsky knew he would be arrested again for spilling the beans. But he wanted the world to know the truth about the human rights’ abuses going on within the Soviet Union; he was afraid he might not have the mental faculties to tell his story, considering the drugs he was being injected with in the camps.
Talk about bravery and moral courage.
Now, Vladimir Bukovsky is warning about the ominous rise of the European Union (EU), which he refers to as the “pale version of the Soviet Union.”
Bukovsky is especially concerned about EuroPol—the EU’s police force and law enforcement agency. The EU has proposed outlawing such things as “racism” and “xenophobia”—something that has never been codified into law by any other nation, to my knowledge.
Vladimir Bukovsky was interviewed in the hard-hitting documentary The Soviet Story, which outlines the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Soviets and its puppet regimes.
There were never any Nuremburg-style trials held for all the mass killings and abuses committed by the Soviet regime, and is one of the major reasons Bukovsky believes socialism/communism is still embraced by many in the West to this day—many are just simply unaware, or choose to ignore, the horrific crimes committed under the banner of Marxian socialism, i.e. communism.
p.s. If you watch the documentary “The Soviet Story” (watch here), you’ll notice some of the interviews with foreign speakers are not subtitled. You can visit the website SovietStory.com and read some of the untranslated quotes from the documentary in the “People from the Film” section.
What you are voting for is not secular but for a religion change if you vote for democrats this year- what the president wants accepts and is spending tax dollars to do-
http://theuspatriot.com/2014/05/29/iranian-men-now-given-the-right-to-rape-unveiled-women/ Rape – I do not agree with this – a personal body is a personal body. Secular law should be abided by here but for what ever rationale Obama is funding rape with ISIS http://www.jewsnews.co.il/2014/07/25/obama-asks-for-500-million-to-fund-isis-in-syria/
Women should not laugh – http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/07/29/turkey-women-laugh/13326925/ Obama is funding Turkey which is a European common market country which should get their own tax money from their own country union not our tax dollars through Turkey http://www.worldbulletin.net/todays-news/137619/obama-pledges-aid-to-syrian-rebels-calls-for-counter-terrorism-fund
Dog owner’s dogs should be murdered – First Mohammad never spoke with the creator only an angel. This angel was afraid of a dog – http://www.ihatethemedia.com/muslims-kill-dogs-in-spain for an angel to be afraid of a dog and people to be mean to a dog just makes me afraid of them. anyone with a dog should realize this religion is not a friendly religion.
Second Muslims should not be allowed to teach in schools – their leader and religion allows sex with kids.
http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Was_Muhammad_a_Pedophile%3F and currently they still not disavow this evil – http://www.religiousfreedomcoalition.org/2013/09/20/muslim-man-rapes-child-bride-until-she-dies/
Third raping is okay with them – the woman is punished if Muslim by stoning and if not a Muslim it is okay – http://loganswarning.com/2010/03/20/islam-101-the-religion-of-rape/
Fifth in the United States instead of secular law it is okay for a Muslim to attack Christians – physical attacks are okay – http://godfatherpolitics.com/10848/judge-says-its-ok-for-muslim-violence-against-christians/
Sixth after all the social change to accept homosexuality here in the United States Muslims instead of seeing sex as a personal choice for both women, men, stone or murder those choosing this life style http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Islam_and_Homosexuality http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/03/texas-muslim-murdered-daughter-and-lesbian-lover-left-quran-open-to-page-condemning-homosexuality
Seventh it is okay to steal http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1202193
So the difference between secular law and Islam stealing, raping, murdering, child sex is okay. I fear that I must be secular on this I do not agree with this religion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY
Spot on.
I’ve been calling the “EU” the Europeons’ Brussels-based Neo-Soviet for decades.
And, for as long, its squalidly-fascissocialist on-and-offshore satellite states its “squalidly-fascissocialist on-and-offshore satellite states!”
Ain’t vindication grand?
Brian Richard Allen