While we are way short of our $100,000 target, please keep those donations coming in the last few days.
The movie will be made. Its just a matter of how much of the budget comes from crowdsourcing and how much comes from private investors.
Trevor Loudon’s The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress is to be turned into a “game changing” movie.
Timed for release in August 2015, “The Enemies Within” will be like no other film ever released in America.
Production standards will be Hollywood quality.
Guiding values however, will be 100% American.
The Enemies Within will name names and go where no one has gone in modern times in its quest to awaken Americans to the enemies within their own government.
Help restore America by exposing its internal enemies.
Our goal is to raise $400,000 minimum, partially from investors and partially from our grassroots support base through crowd sourcing.
Go here to help us to fund and make this movie.
Sent email to lady who assisted you setting this all up!
Hi Bob – did you send it to me, Terresa? I did not get it. Or did you send it to Regina? My email is terresa AT noisyroom dot net. 😉