The left, led by the US’ largest Marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America, is about to start a huge push, starting with organized labor, to grant amnesty and citizenship to more than 12,000,000 illegal immigrants. They hope to make enough noise to allow their long time ally President Obama to claim a public mandate for an illegal immigrant amnesty.
Unions, before they were taken over by DSA in 1995, were traditionally anti-illegal immigration. Why the change?
The reason is simple. Marxist led unions do not care about getting a better deal for their members. They care about achieving socialism. They understand that Latinos, which illegals mostly are, tend to vote overwhelmingly Democrat. The Marxists also have huge influence in the Democrat Party and huge leverage over Democrat policy formation, through their lock-tight control of organized labor.
Therefore, giving illegals citizenship and voting rights could move America way to the left – forever.
Listen here to AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka, a longtime DSA supporter, put on his best fake sincerity “Judas goat” tone, to seduce union members into support their own destruction. This is almost barf bucket material, as this hard bitten union thug invokes patriotism and American values to sell his socialist “snake oil.”
Now watch an identified DSA member, SEIU VP Eliseo Medina, speaking at a 2009 progressive conference in Washington DC. Medina, the leading immigration activist in the country, reveals the real reason for his efforts… 8,000,000 more Democratic voters and a “progressive majority for the forseeable future.”
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Hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of people are avidly attentive to every word that springs from the lips of President Barack Obama on the immigration debate. They wait patiently throughout Mexico, South America, Europe, The Caribbean Islands, China and from one horizon to the other, for this administration and the GOP minority party to vote on a new immigration policy. It could easily be Déjà-Vu all over again, a simulation of the 1986 Ron Reagan, Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform and Control Act. (IRCA) when the estimated interior 3 million illegal aliens, escalated into somewhere around 6 million? The borders were suddenly inundated with people, and additionally a sudden surge in airline flights with parties of families come into America under false pretenses of just visiting. The outcome was huge amounts of deceptive papers that indicated the people had been living here illegally for years, but could now apply for citizenship. That in itself was one issue, but the promise of the deceased Ted Kennedy and the rest of the bunch that such laws as holding businesses liable for hiring illegal aliens was never fully enforced, or other restrictions. Please—if nothing else, assure the American people that every illegal alien is fully processed; no short cuts and proof positive that they were here before the enactment of a new law. Not the carnival of errors as before, letting millions more to slip past immigration safeguards. Even thirty years ago the laws were ignored as the business community held thrall over the political parties, with donations to campaign contributions, travel and other favors.
So here we stand today with the potential of another blanket amnesty, and very little hindrance to the people who are going to cross deserts, or the airports as fake tourists. Most reports say that more one way arrivals enter America this way as visa overstays, then those who sweep through either the Northern or Southern border with the intention to squat here? Taxpayers who pay the bills, for illegal aliens can expect illegal entries to rise if Obama collects enough votes to pass another amnesty. My thought it is so unfair to people who enter this country through proper channels; many hundreds of thousands sitting and waiting many years for a visa. The 19th century immigrants came here expecting nothing but hard work, but the illegal immigrant’s today press politicians for civil rights, entitlements and a pass to citizenship. By any other name these are criminals, who are stealing legally money from citizens and legal residents.
Right now the only chance we have to place legal obstacles in the way of illegal aliens, and insist that most of the Democrats and some Republicans (Not TEA PARTY lawmakers) that federal and state politicians serve the general public by honoring their oaths to protect us from enemies–Domestic and Foreign–by enacting the “LEGAL WORKFORCE BILL., Its purpose is to detect illegal working aliens and replacing them with some of the 24 million Americans remaining jobless or using temporary work, as part of the (LWB) is E-verify that is being updated constantly and soon will have access to Drivers Licenses Agencies to cross-reference and authenticate workers. The most contentious law that must be applied is an amendment to the 14th Amendment, which existed for the end of slavery, to uphold citizenship for future black descendants. However it has been perverted from its original intent, giving citizenship to children smuggled into the United States. A simple, easy and correct amendment would stop this immigration travesty, by only allowing the children of parents, who already has citizenship.
Involved is hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayers money swallowed up by foreign nationals, once the baby holds an American birth certificate and hence a passport. It becomes a fulcrum for the illegal Mother to stay here, to accumulate citizenship welfare for the baby, followed by the rest of the family circle. Mexico has closed this loophole and most European countries, while Canada and the United States still have a guarantee for citizenship for the pregnant unconcealed or those smuggled through our porous borders. For anybody who comes to America should be a criminal felony and not a civil slap on the wrist. ONLY THE RAISED VOICES OF THE TEA PARTY AND THE LEGAL POPULATION OF THE U.S. CAN ULTIMATELY GET THESE PARAMOUNT LAWS PASSED AND SAVING THE DESPICABLE COSTS EXTRACTED FROM US EVERY APRIL?
The agriculture industry obviously needs Guest Workers, but it must be a uniform program that the farmers pay all those benefits, including a fair wage, not stick the unsuspecting public with the bill. That at the end of their contract, the Agjob labor must leave and then apply for a new job. I doubt anybody will disagree that those persons with exemplary professional skills, such as the STEM workers should be expedited through the system, as businesses are forever calling out for these people. Our government should enforce the laws to halt the desperate from other countries, as these people are not our problem, but our own homeless, and destitute are, especially the elderly who seem to be completely neglected.
Politicians, who usually read the Liberal propaganda and rhetoric in the mainstream press and rural newspapers, would do better to absorb the public reader’s commentary and blogs. This would certainly have some impact on their voting, unless they have already been corrupted by the special interests that are in their faces in the Washington chambers of power. They would immediately know that ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is a dirty word and the majority of the American people are frustrated that legislators are putty in the hands of big business and all the other pro-illegal alien open border imbeciles. President Obama has stealthily divided the country and it’s worked with great effect. A silent invasion has been taking place for decades and the rot in Congress has been negatively impressive. With 24 million of the U.S. population out-of-work, the morons have a deaf ear to legislators as Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, who has done everything in his power to slow any bills from being read. Standing alone are two bills that could halt the encouragement of illegal aliens into this country. Both bills are extremely powerful in their effect to reduce illegal aliens in the workplace? Exhibit (1) is the LEGAL WORKFORCE ACT (H.R.2885) that uses mandatory E-Verify to identify foreign nationals, replacing them with citizens and legal entries. This updated technological computer program is able to red-flag workers who have no right to any jobs. Audits of businesses after the installation of mandatory E-Verify would be prosecuted and the principle owners and executives would prosecute, fined and even confined.
Exhibit (2) THE BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP BILL (H.R. 140) would forever end the citizenship of unborn babies smuggled into America, to collect on public assistance benefits; a free education to k-12, free health care, low income housing. Wholly for the descendants of slaves after the Civil War to inherit citizenship, it has been manipulated to any baby delivered in any hospital once across our insecure border, or women who arrives here by international jet. Once here under this cleverly engineered law the woman gets free natal care, plus cash payments for every child she conceives. This law must only be reserved for pregnant mothers who at least parent is already a citizen of the United States, claiming citizenship for their child. We should understand that illegal aliens use this defect in our laws, to remain in this country. So the more children, the more entitlements, that is costing the U.S. taxpayer well over hundred billion dollars annually, and unlikely to grind to a halt unless H.R. 140 finds passage in the House and Senate. Another ominous situation that is the outcome of the baby automatic citizenship 14th amendment declaration, is that proliferates CHAIN MIGRATION FOOTHOLDS of family members and eventually such unconventional Presidential privileges as the Dream Act controversy. Further to this the Internal Revenue Service has remained silent and seems uninterested in the 7 Billion dollar in child tax credits literary stolen through fraud by non-citizens and even the effrontery to send tax refunds outside the country to the quasi children?
After the requirement of The Legal Workforce bill and the Birthright citizenship bill, then the majority of spineless lawmakers can then approve a well regulated Guest Worker program for agriculture, with the caveat that when a contract expires the worker must leave the country. As an addition a more furtive effort to recruit professional workers under the (STEM) policy of highly attained skills. But outside of these jobs no more kowtowing to the 20 million plus illegal aliens who must leave or be deported. Our nation is broke and the honest, inspected and immigrants and citizens must have the priority of all wilting welfare assistance.
First of all, This is America. They can implement the laws, stop illegal immigration if they want to but…THEY DON’T and they WON’T…Why??? Because they want cheap labor. They can track illegals thru social security when the numbers doesn’t match the names but they look the other way…law makers want to give cheap labor to businesses especially to those who contribute a great deal to their campaigns..
Both sides are wrong here: illegals for sneaking in the country to feed their poor families and to have a better life
And America for taking advantage of the poor
One thing for sure you cannot deport all those illegals so we need to fix the broken immigration laws and be strict on enforcement
Only give citizenship to us born children with at least 1 American citizen parent
Well the left can push but WE THE PEOPLE are going to force all of DC and the Courts back under the limits within the four corners of the CONSTITUTION – which will make the Federal government small, weak and few powers that are contained in the Article I section 8 enumerated powers – all others will be returned to the States and the People as the founders, Framers, and Ratifiers intended.
Article V gives the States the power to stop the usurping of the RULE – BY – LAW Constitutional Republic – We the people are spreading this concept to all 50 State Legislatures – we will take our Freedoms and Liberties back.