Occupy Wall Street is coming back, with a “99% Spring.”
Thousands of activists are being trained, all over the US to create mayhem come the spring and summer, on streets, campuses, public buildings, businesses, ports and transport hubs, all over the United States.
From Democratic Socialists of America‘s Talking Union Blog:
This is the 99% Spring and you can join with more than 100,000 activists from unions, community, faith and other progressive groups to take the economy back from the 1% and challenge corporate greed.Starting Monday, April 9, and running through April 15, hundreds of training sessions around the country are set for activists to learn how to take back the economy. The sessions will prepare you to tell the story of what happened to our economy and who’s responsible and learn nonviolent direct action tactics.
Participants in the training sessions will focus actions on Tax Day (April 17), when across the nation they’ll raise their voices to demand the 1% pay their fair share.
The 99% Spring activists will focus on at least 40 companies, including Verizon and Wells Fargo. In what’s been dubbed Shareholders’ Spring, activists will protest at shareholder meetings—including Bank of America’s annual meeting in Charlotte, N.C.
Other actions will include home occupations to prevent foreclosures and student-led protests against Sallie Mae and other entities that have profited from student loan debt.
The coalition of unions and progressive groups points to the Occupy movement and the fight for workers’ rights in Madison, Wis., that drew hundreds of thousands of ordinary people to the streets as inspiration for the 99% Spring.
The ‘new’ Occupy will resemble its former incarnation, in name more than substance.
The old anarchist led Occupy is gone. Permanent land occupations may continue in some places, but will be the exception, rather than the rule.
The movement’s new leaders, the unions and the nation’s largest Marxist groups, will turn Occupy into a movement of flying strike teams, ready to occupy and shut down a port, a school, a bridge, a shareholder’s meeting or a state capitol at a moment’s notice.
This new Occupy will be a much more mobile, disciplined and dangerous beast.
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