The pro-North Korea/Cuba, Workers World Party is heavily involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement.
“Defend Occupy Wall Street,” Larry Holmes, WWP First Secretary, speaking at the Workers World Forum in New York City, Nov. 18, 2011.
“How can lessons from immigrant struggle help Occupy Wall Street?” Teresa Gutierrez, WWP secretariat member, at the WWP National Conference held in New York Oct. 8, 2011.
“Occupy foreclosed homes” Jerry Goldberg, a Detroit WWP organizer, speaking at the Oct. 8-9, 2011, Workers World Party National Conference in New York City.
“Occupy Wall Street movement & the capitalist crisis”, Fred Goldstein, WWP secretariat member, at the Workers World Party National Conference held in New York Oct. 8, 2011.
So I was right! The Ladonian Flag is for Ladonians and The Flag with the white cross-lines is for the Not-Ladonians. If peopel do not urnedstand a piece of art, then to the piece of art white lines have to be added.
It’s like opposite day listening to these people! Have they ever showed us the socialistic system thats working better than the U.S.A.! Whats the unemployment, wage scale,living conditions, health caresystem like? Hows the justice system working for ya?
If any one out there living in this socialutopia exist please respond and let the U.S. KNOW WHERE WE MISSED THE BOAT TO THIS WONDERLAND OF MILK AND HONEY!